Ok, I am going the route of positive thinking.......
I love the rain, I love the rain, I love the rain, I love the rain....
It's not working.
I love the rain, I love the rain, I love the rain, I love the rain....
It's not working.
1. I've always wondered why we were taught both printing and cursive. Do you prefer to print or write cursive? (Keyboard is not a choice.) You know I actually write in a sort of combo of each....so I guess....prinsive.
2. Are you a dreamer or a realist? This one is hard, I am an otter so therefore a dreamer, but I have a bit of a realist in me too. So far, I can't give a decisive answer.
3. Billy Joel or Elton John? Ok, here we go....Billy Joel all the way.
4. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? Not limited to horror flicks but also includes ones where the tension or suspense is killer, for example, Flightplan (2005): A bereaved woman and her daughter are flying home from Berlin to America. At 30,000 feet the child vanishes and nobody admits she was ever on that plan. The Hills have Eyes (the original) was the scariest movie I ever saw. Halloween a close 2nd.
5. Now what is the scariest real-life moment you've had? When I was a preteen and I would be left at home alone, I would shut my self in my room with a big stick. If I had to leave the room, I would fling the door open and whip the stick around....so if someone was there I would hit them. Typical preteen thinking....so what would I do then? Anyway, the phone rang one night...no cordless phones back then so I had to answer it in my parents room. I flung the door open and whipped my stick around but as I got to my parents room I heard someone pick up the phone and say "hello". My parents and brother were gone and my brother and I had to answer the phone "Willingham residence, this is Sara speaking"...ya back before you didn't let your kids give out their names. I froze and my heart stopped. Turns out it was my brother, but since the parents weren't home he felt he didn't need to answer the phone properly. Funny thing is that I scared him too because as he came in the door all he saw was a stick flying out of my room!!!
6. What word do you misspell without fail? any word that is not spelled phonetically. I am a bad speller!
7. Name something you like to do but are not really talented or good at. I love to dance and I am not good at it at all. I always say I will be a fantastic dancer with my new body in heaven!
8. Do you get your emotional/mental batteries recharged by being around people or by having alone time? I am definitely recharged by being around people. The more the merrier!
9. Have you ever been on TV? Yes, I was an extra in a 70s TV movie filmed in my hometown.
10. Apple or pumpkin pie? (Don't be greedy.) If I have to choose.....apple.
11. How many magazine subscriptions do you have? 4, through Maghound and if you haven't seen this you need to check it out. A great way to get magazines for less $$!!!
12. What lesson do you have to keep re-learning? To think before I speak. Will I ever learn it?
Happy Wednesday everyone!!
Ahh...that think before you speak thing. yeah. need to add that to my list too.
I wonder if your brother is still a little nervous about you and sticks. what a great story.
Hi...visiting from Lindas-
Your blog is really pretty : )
Ditto here on the thinking before you speak.
Enjoy your day...hoping some sunshine comes your way!
Thinking before I speak. Definitely learning that constantly here.
"70's" movie...you were an infant, right? hee hee. hey, i'm a girl of the 70's i can say that!
funny about the cursive. my signature has a cursive L and the rest is written. oh would i make my teachers cringe if they knew!
You are famous too?!! ;D Autograph?
Oh.... and now I KNOW who to call when or IF hubby ever tries to scare me like that again. I don't think he has since his beating though. Ha!
Your scary encounter sounds like a sit-com! Glad you found out it was your brother before hitting him with the stick.
#3 Yeah!
#5 too funny -- lol
#7 me too :-)
Too bad we can't share the rain -- we could use some more here!
Fun answers! I love the story of the stick!
I think they've made a movie of #5--without the happy ending!
You & me--#12!! (And I'm a teacher. It can be deadly!)
Yeah, you're mantra about the rain isn't working for me either! :)
#5 -- when I was 6 years old I hit my teenage brother over the head with a baseball bat. He stayed out after curfew, didn't want to knock on the door and face the lecture, so decided to climb in a window. The sound woke me, I saw him, grabbed his baseball bat, let out a piercing shriek and swung.
We not only woke up the elders, we woke up the neighbors, too.
Love those random fun snippets of your life! I completely relate to the dancing....I wish I had the confidence to believe I really could dance - but definitely not!
I loved your blog post about letting go of your kids. It is so well written, but sounds so painful! With our oldest at age 10 - we have just a few short years left.....
I used to be a good speller, but I've been ruined ever since I worked as a high school English teacher. I had so many papers to grade with misspelled words; sometimes now a misspelled word looks common enough to look correct!
My writing is a cursive/print combo too. I'd choose pumpkin. I'm not much on an apple pie fan...but I do love apple crisp.
i need to think before i speak too! lol
love spell check for that very reason!
Too Funny. "The Hills have eyes" at the drive-in. I remember it well
Prinsive - I LOVE it!!!
Cracking up at your scariest moment story! I bet your brother was about to wet himself!
I need to learn to think before I speak also. And now I will go check out Maghound.
Haha! Prinsive...LOVE it...so funny! I never thought of that! :)
Following you now!
Think before you speak? You mean we're supposed to???
Ok. I need number 12 really bad!!!
I give you credit for actually watching The Hills Have Eyes because girl.. the cover scared me!!
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