Today, I am joining Rachel again for her MM&M carnival to continue the story of how Steve and I met.
If you want to read the first part of our story go here. If you want to see a few of our wedding pictures, go here.
Steve and I were great friends for over 8 months. He was still looking for a coaching/teaching job and many of his interviews were taking him out of Dallas. Neither of us really wanted to be in a long distance relationship, but our feelings for each other had become more than friends. However, neither of us was willing to admit it to the other.
Each Wednesday, our group got together to play volleyball at the church. Steve's car had broken down, so I gave him a ride there and back. At the game, I had several people ask me when Steve and I were going to start dating...it was pretty obvious to everyone that we liked each other. So, one the way home, I decided to broach the subject. (Steve has always been a steady eddy, a planner, doesn't like to rock the boat....sometimes he needs a good push!) I told him what everyone was saying, we discussed the potential of him moving, I pointed out that we didn't know for sure he was going to move and that we should maybe just cross that bridge when it gets here and by the end of the conversation we had decided to give dating a try.
I'm sure I have forgotten many parts of this story, but one moment I will never forget.......Steve leaning back into the car before getting out and kissing me!! I seriously saw fireworks! I had never felt a kiss like that and I do believe the boy had my heart at that moment.
That Friday, our group had planned a camping trip to lake Texoma and this would be our first "date". We had a blast with all our friends and no one was a bit surprised that we had decided to make our relationship official. And after being such good friends, being a couple just felt right.
One of the guys had brought his small sail boat along. Steve and I decided to take it out on the lake. This is a very large lake in Texas and I did not know how to sail so I was counting on Steve. We got out to the middle somewhere and let the sail loose so we could just drift a bit and talk.
It was a beautiful day, but a little choppy due to the wind.....good for sailing, right?
Well, at what should have been a very romantic moment.....
......... Steve leaned over to kiss me......
...........just as the boat dipped to that side.....
......and I fell in!!!
...........just as the boat dipped to that side.....
......and I fell in!!!
Yep, right over the side into the choppy water!!!! I am a good swimmer, so I wasn't afraid but as I looked over the water I watched the boat drifting away. Steve was frantically trying to get a hold of the sail and get the boat turned around. Come to find out he didn't really know how to sail either and had just gotten a quickie lesson from his friend on the shore....how hard can it be?
In his franticness, is that a word?, he capsized it!!! Completely! And in the water he went. I swam over to him.....we both grabbed onto the hull of the boat and laughed hysterically!!!
I mean really, only in the movies!!!
It took us quite a long time to get the boat righted but we finally did and made it back to shore!
As we got close to the shore, we saw all our friends there waiting for us. It had been longer than we thought and they were worried! And here we came, totally drenched and exhausted and with a pretty wild story to tell!!!
It was a very exciting first date to say the least!
Check back here next monday for the rest of the story.....

Oh. My. Goodness!!!! I was not expecting you to fall in! haha wow -- I guess that's a memory you will NEVER forget!! Thanks so much for sharing such a fun story!
Wow! That is quite the first date story. Not many could top that one.
wow! how adventurous! no, we can't top that one. ;)
Oh my goodness, how fun!!! A Kodak moment for sure, lol!
good for you having the courage to rock the boat...so to speak.
and lol @ him rocking and tipping the boat over trying to put the moves on you!! ;)
I am CRACKING UP that you fell out of the boat when he leaned over to kiss you! Seriously, this was something out of a sitcom! Thank you so much for participating!!!
What a great story! So glad you were brave enough to talk about it!
LOL Well that was a sloppy, wet kiss!
wow - my story is nothing quite as exciting as that!
so glad you could swim :)
I can't top that Sara ! Too funny.
I am sure your kids get a kick out of it too!!! Glad you could swim.
I think my heart skipped a bit when I read how he leaned back in the car for the kiss! How crazy that you fell in the water when he leaned in for the next kiss!
{yet another coincidence: my husband grew up going to Lake Texoma ~ his great-grandmother had a house up there until a few years ago!}
that's a great story! i could just picture it all...we used to live in Sherman and i am familiar with Lake Texoma, so i'm visualizing this all! :D
That is too funny!!! A very memorable date!
Two wild kisses!
And you've been making him laugh ever since, I'm sure. Love this.
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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