I am joining in Rachel's, at afuturepastorswife, MM&M carnival. We are all writing posts on how we met our husbands. How we fell in love. How we winded the trials. How he proposed. All the butterflies and electric currents! (these are Rachel's words!)
And since I missed the other Rachel's wedding carnival I am going to start out with just my wedding pictures........my story will start next week!!!
Steve and I celebrate 25 years this month!!! Our wedding was so long ago, the pictures were in a huge album and glued in..........so, I ended up having to take pictures of my pictures....hence the quality!! Oh well, you can still get the gist!!!
July 21, 1984
I wore my mom's wedding dress!
This was a dream of mine and fortunately with the help of a seamstress and a "merry widow", aka torturous corset.....I was able to!!!
The wedding party.
We were married in Dallas, Tx at Northwest Bible Church
We had an 11 am wedding.
I just didn't think I could sit around and wait till the evening!!!
Patience is not my strong suit!!
Right after my dad gave me away here, we heard this LOUD popping.
The balloons they were to let go as we left were exploding from the heat.
I turned to Steve and whispered "what is that?"
His answer......."what is what?"
Ha! He was so taken with me, he never heard them!!! :)
The unity candle.
This is the best picture to show my husbands "hair"
He has very, VERY thick hair, that grows in a circle....
he got it cut the week of the wedding and the crazy guy cut it sooooo short it stuck straight out on one side! I about died.
my response was "you might as well color it purple"
This cake was soooo good. It had shaved white chocolate all on the outside.
You could smell it as you walked by!!
This is one of my favorite shots.
If you look closely you can see money falling out of my dress!!
People were handing me money in the receiving line and I had no where to put it,
so I stuck it in my bra!!!
I don't look very happy here do I?!
Off to the airport!!!
Come back next Monday to see how the story all started!!!!!
And head over to Rachel's to read more "how we met" stories!

I love looking at wedding pictures. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading your story.
Lovely photos! Happy 25th.
you look SO much like Alyssa!! Or should I say Alyssa looks SO much like you in these pictures!!!! I could have swore it was her getting married, esp. some of the side profile pictures! love it love it!!
Loved your pics. You make a lovely bride! Thanks for posting.
Great pictures! You look so incredibly happy!
PRECIOUS photos and memories!!
love the wedding pictures - 25 years? that's incredible. congrats!!
love these! :)
I love all the wedding pictures!! Thank you so much for sharing!:)
Boy do those pictures bring back some memories. We were all so young and THIN!!! I remember driving from the church to the reception and having to go through a toll booth. None of us had any money on us. I think your Dad paid from another car. Too funny!!
What a gorgeous wedding you had! Happy 25th! I hope you get some silver. Thanks for sharing.
your eyes just sparkle!!
mom's gown is gorgeous...
my fav is the cake shot...you couldn't have planned that $$ prop...precious!
thx 4 sharing
OH my gosh, you were a beautiful bride!!! (Even with the 80's hair and 80's bridesmaid dresses!) :)
CONGRATULATIONS! 25 years is an amazing achievement. I can't wait to start reading your story!
First off, you were such a gorgeous bride.
Second, the fact that the pictures were glued down says a lot about your age. I would have left that part out.
Third, what's up with that guy eyeing your leg in that picture. He's got that whole "lookin' good" expression.
Fourth, hubby's hair rocks.
I love this post.
That is so funny that you had to take pictures of pictures. I feel like so many of my wedding things are dated, and that is only with 15 years.
I love the fact that you wore your mother's dress...its beautiful.
You two have scarcely aged in 25 years...amazing!
Wonderful post!! I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more!!
Your wedding pictures are gorgeous, and you look amazing! 25 years is such an accomplishment. I hope you celebrate big!
B.e.a.u.tiful bride!
Absolutely Beautiful!
YOU WERE (ARE) BEAUTIFUL!!! My, oh my!! Can't wait to hear the how we met part of your fairy tale romance!
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