First let's get the suspense out of the way. On my last Project 365 post, I hosted a giveaway for $20 to Blurb.........and the winner, through, is...........
Congrats girl! Send me your new address (I only have the old one) and I will get your gift card out to you when I get back from vacation next week!!
For those of you praying for my boys, they got stuck in Argentina yesterday. Their flight out of Buenos Aires in the morning was canceled and they were supposed to get out late last night. I have not heard anything yet and so I am going with no news is good news!!! If you think about it, please keep them and their team in your prayers!
Now some sad news.........I left my camera cable in AR and can not upload any pictures to my computer!!!! argh!!!!! I even went back in the house because I thought I had left it and it wasn't where I normally keep it so I assumed I had packed it.......I assummed wrong!!!
I already have some beautiful shots from this morning sitting on my parents porch in the mountains drinking coffee amongst the peaceful!!! The worst part is that if I don't find a way to upload them, then I won't be able to post for Project 365 this Sunday........any suggestions? Remember I am in a fairly remote place.....however, there is a Walmart. Maybe I could take my memory card in and have them down load the pics onto a disc....hmmmmm. I will have to work on that.
Until then, I won't be able to share any of my pictures.......
..........and that makes me very sad!!!

Sara: I can help you with your camera cable problem on Saturday. I will bring my laptop down. I can put your camera memory card directly into my laptop and then I can burn you a CD. Let me know and I'll bring it with me.
Sounds like you have a great solution listed above me. If for some reason that won't work for you, I have bought replacement cables on Amazon (or through your camera's online site). They can over-night them if you want them there that quickly.
Sounds like a lovely place. I hope you are able to solve your picture problem! Enjoy the peace & quiet.
Glad to hear you are having a wonderful time. I hope you get your picture problem worked out.
Sounds great !!! Good luck on the cable problem. I want to see the pics.
sounds wonderful are having lots of fun this summer. i can't wait to see the pictures.
Sad to have to wait for your 365 photos, but your vacation sounds wonderful! Forest? That sounds like coolness to me!
It sounds to me like you have found paradise. Will look forward to seeing pictures.
Prayers going out for your boys.
Its so frustrating when things like that happen...and I mean your camera cable, not the missed plane. Sadly, I think if I had to choose one, I'd rather miss a plane than have forgotten my camera or something having to do with it. That's pretty pathetic!
Bummer about the boys...I have been praying for them...I'm sure they were anxious to just get there!
i will facebook you my email/address!!!!!!!!!
sorry i have no comment about the camera cord.
if you parents have one of those printers that have all the slots for the memory cards, you can stick it in there and then hook your laptop to the printer. i have done that before.
bless your heart! i'm sure my hubby can relate to the travel craziness... he keeps quite a schedule. *cringe* i hope you get your pix soon! i know that's frustrating. a few yrs ago, i 'lost' thousands of pix on a crashed hardrive... that were not all backed up. :/
Congrats, Shelly! I am so bummed I missed out on this week's Project 365 - I remember it, and even got my pictures ready, but I just didnt' have time to post - had a deadline on a blog design. But thank you so much for hosting this, Sara, and for giving away such a fabulous prize.
Congrats to Shelly!!
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