So to celebrate finishing one half of the year, I am doing a giveaway this week!! I will be randomly picking a name from those who link up this week and that person will be receiving a.......
$20 gift card to Blurb!!!
There is one rule though....this must NOT be your very FIRST post to the Project.
I so hope that more people will join us any time they can, but this giveaway is to reward those of you that have persevered each week......it's not easy remembering a picture every day!!! So link up!!!
I will pick the winner on Tuesday (I am traveling all day on Monday) and will post then!
My boys leave today for their mission trip to Brazil! It has been a crazy week getting them ready, but they are beyond excited to get there and start the work God has for them! Please pray for safe travel for the team (they will be taking 4 airplanes) and many opportunities to reach people for Christ! Thx!
While my boys are in Brazil, I am taking the time to go visit my parents in AZ. I leave early Monday morning....Alyssa and Steve will be staying home. I am looking forward to spending some alone time with my folks and seeing my brother and his family!
Ok, here goes my week!
There is one rule though....this must NOT be your very FIRST post to the Project.
I so hope that more people will join us any time they can, but this giveaway is to reward those of you that have persevered each week......it's not easy remembering a picture every day!!! So link up!!!
I will pick the winner on Tuesday (I am traveling all day on Monday) and will post then!
My boys leave today for their mission trip to Brazil! It has been a crazy week getting them ready, but they are beyond excited to get there and start the work God has for them! Please pray for safe travel for the team (they will be taking 4 airplanes) and many opportunities to reach people for Christ! Thx!
While my boys are in Brazil, I am taking the time to go visit my parents in AZ. I leave early Monday morning....Alyssa and Steve will be staying home. I am looking forward to spending some alone time with my folks and seeing my brother and his family!
Ok, here goes my week!
Seeing Wicked!!!
This was just as good as I remembered it!
The best part was hearing my youngest son oooh and aaah and LOL throughout the production!!
I spent the whole day today on the phone with Comcast.
They had promised me one price on a package
and then reneged.
After all afternoon and a lot of frustration..
....I won.
I was so frustrated by the end of the day I never took a picture
my washer breaking and my A/C not working properly didn't help either!
It was a tough day.
It was "ladies day" at our pool!
On Tuesdays, some of the young moms and ladies in my church come spend time at the pool. We get to visit and swim with our kids....very fun!!
These pictures are actually from last week, because I forgot to take one today...
...that is 2 days in a row...yikes!!!
What a wonderful day!!!
My bff, Wendi, came down from Conway
pedicures, lunch and lounging in the pool......perfect!

Love those musicals! Y'all look like one extremely happy bunch :-)
Your pool sees a lot of action!
I know your boys will have a FABULOUS time and God will use it in their lives. Maybe even toward full-time missions in the future (We're ALWAYS recruiting - LOL) Will be praying for them.
Hey, friend! What a great week...except for that silly day with Comcast. I'll be praying for your boys this week.
I'm excited to see your boys loved the musical! And how exciting for them to be going on a mission trip. Wonderful!
Glad you were able to have a pool party for the 4th. Our plans had to be cancelled due to the rain. boo-hoo. :(
Sara, you are so tan!
I like it when pools get used often...its the way it was meant to be!
Praying a great week for your boys and peace for you while they are in another country.
WOW! Busy week. Sorry about Comcast. I know that was frustrating. URGHH!
Pedis....I've never had one and not sure I ever could. I don't like people touching my feet.....YUCK!
I will be praying for traveling mercies for all of you and that your boys will have an experience of a life-time. God will be using them in a mighty way this week!
Such great pictures, what a fantastic project you are doing! Way to go- and it looks like you had a great 4th of July.
You sure have picked up a nice tan this summer! Praying for your guys. I saw lots of youth missions groups in the airport in Central America. Life-changing for the givers and the receivers. : )
looks like a great week, i just LOVE how we are all enjoying life in our own ways and sharing it with one another. thanks for doing this.
Hey - really enjoy your pics this week. Enjoy being with your parents. Joel and Phil leave Wed for Iowa. Gone till Saturday. Think I will spend a few days with my parents.
what great pics...i know you had a good 4th!!
adding my link :)
Great week of pics. Wow! You're getting really tan. Jealous. Blessings, SusanD
Oh no, did I miss the contest?! I've been out of town for the last 5 days with barely any access to the internet.
Still going to link up as soon as I get my pics edited...
Love your pictures this week!!!
Love how you display your photos.
So much to learn yet about blogging, but I'm so very grateful to have begun and especially that I joined Project 365. It is good to have these deadlines to keep and stick with the commitment, even if late at night after a week away!
I can relate to your horrible, no-good, very bad day. We are making phone calls to resolve some billing issues. Grrrrrr...
What a great week! Our pool gets used a bunch too! And it is great! Love the babies...I can't wait to have little ones around, we are in a lull.
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