Today, Steve and I are celebrating 25 years of marriage. I look at this picture and, that was a long time ago! And then in the next instant think....seems like yesterday.
I am so blessed with with a husband who loves God and loves me with all his heart. What a gift to be married to my best friend!
In honor of our 25th, I wanted to give you 25 reasons why I love this man......
1. He loves God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength.
2. He puts God first in his life and in our marriage.
3. He knows me inside and out and still loves me like crazy!
4. He respects me.
5. He makes me laugh....a lot
6. This will embarrass my kids.....but he is quite a hottie!!!
7. He is an amazing father
8. He learns what is important to our kids and gets involved
9. He has always been a very hands on father
10. He takes his call to ministry very seriously and truly wants to be where God can use him matter where that is
11. Together, we are better people
12. He has a great sense of humor and goes along with my spontaneity (thought it sometimes makes him crazy)
13. He holds me accountable to growing in Christ
14. He daily spends time with God and works to stay close
15. He protects me and makes me feel safe
16. He is a good friend, not just to me but to all his friends
17. He is not afraid or too prideful to say he is sorry
18. We are a team in parenting
19. He likes to snuggle, with me and the kids
20. He loves my cooking
21. He enjoys and looks forward to spending time with me
22. He works at knowing my needs and putting them first
23. He likes to hold my hand
24. Though we have changed over the years, he has worked hard to make sure we grow together
25. He is looking forward to empty nesting with me, retiring with me and all that entails!!!
I love you so much, Steve! Happy Anniversary!

that is so sweet, you have a great husband! i especially love the part about him being a hottie, that's adorable! even if it does embarass the kids, hehe.
Congratulations on 25 years!!! I love your list....he sounds like quite an awesome husband and I'm so happy for you both! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th on Aug. 18th. That's so cool that we've been married the same amount of time! :)
It's clear to see why he is well loved. Happy Special Anniversary.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! What a sweet post. He sounds like an amazing man.
Blessings for a lifetime~
Such a lovely couple then....such an amazing and beautiful couple now. Congrats on 25 years together....HE has truly blessed you.
Congratulations on twenty-five years. I love your list!
Your list is a wonderful testimony to your love for each other and God. Congrats! Blessings, SusanD
Happy Anniversary, Sara! Praise God for this man and this marriage. It is no small thing to be able to list the 25 that you have here. I love it. It encourages the heart.
As for the picture of Fash's frog, she no doubt took pics of the green goblin and I'm sure they will appear on her facebook page tomorrow when she gets home. :) You may get to see it, yet.
Enjoy your day!!
Happy Anniversary my friend!!
What a sweet gift, Sara! Happy anniversary to both of you!
very sweet! isn't being married to your best friend the best? :)
I love your 25 reasons!!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Happy 25th Anniversary!
Sara- you're so beautiful in that picture! Yall look so happy! Congrats!!
Awwww...happy 25th!!!
You are blessed, indeed.
What a Blessing you are to each other. I love your 25.
Enjoy your day with each other!!!!!
God's Blessings to you both !!!!!
I love your list! You better keep him!
Sweet! Hope you have something grand planned. Happy Anniversary!
I'm late....but my photos are up! Hope you enjoyed a lovely anniversary. Blessings, SusanD
What a sweet tribute! I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!
Great list- beautiful photo. God is so good.
That is a wonderful list.
I could almost take as is and tweak it for my husband of nigh 40 years!
Happy Anniversary!! 25 years! That's a big one! My 10th is coming up. Crazy how fast it goes.
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