I will not be posting for a few days. I am taking a quick trip to Dallas and won't have internet while I am there.
If you have been following my blog, you know that my beloved Aunt's health is failing. The mini strokes she is having are taking their toll and she is declining. We watched the movie Fireproof at our church Friday. At one point, the wife in the movie talks about missing her mother's, a stroke victim, voice and I gulped. That is how I feel. I miss my Aunt's voice. I miss talking to her on the phone, hearing her laugh, hearing her pray for me. This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. I don't understand why God is allowing this in her life. She is such a strong believer........just take her home. But I do trust God and know that for some reason my Aunt's testimony is not finished. Psalm 139 has been such a comfort to me. He knew the number of her days....before they even started. He knows her, sees her, loves her........more than I ever could. So I pray that he will make his presence clearly known to her.......to her heart. Please pray for my time with her, that it will be sweet and blessed.
Here's my week in pictures.......
This is some VERY HOT sauce from Firehouse Subs
We used it to play a little joke on one of the guys that works at the bank next door...
I was SO EXCITED to find my favorite humus at Sam's today!!!
this big tub costs only $1 more than one 1/3 it's size at Walmart!!
I met my first "blogging friend" today!
Elizabeth from Finding Him Bigger was in town to see her new nephew and came by the Pharmacy to see me!!! How fun is that?!
This will be part of a spinach salad for 50 ladies tomorrow
The lady on the right is signing the song being sung....
......absolutely beautiful!!!

Interesting lesson on the Body of Christ . . . What exactly was going on here? Might have to repeat this one at our church. Please tell. (Is that you? I do like the shoes!)
When you say “joke on the guys who work at the bank. . .” Hmmm. Would that a Federal crime?
This is my favorite Hummus too. Know what? It tastes great on HoneyComb Cereal. Little H’orderves. Yes. I am weird.
You got to meet Elizabeth? HOW COOL IS THAT?? I’ve often remarked what a wonderful reunion there will be someday in Heaven for all the blogging Friends. I must get my head out of the clouds and live in the TODAY! Anyone want to come visit me in Minnesotah? We still got snow!
ASL is very beautiful. I sign for worship sometimes in our church – I tried once to keep up with my husband during his sermon and realized how rusty I’d become. Could just be age too. :(
Wonderful and -- yes, quite diverse photos this week!
Have a wonderful SUNDAY!
It is so neat to meet our blogger friends! That is a lot of eggs.
That is awesome that you met Elizabeth. I have a picture that I took for you but will wait till you get back from TX.
The Lord's blessings to you as you travel to be with your aunt. Feel the Lord's arms wrapped around you and feel his strength.
Hugs to you - loved the pics. Wish you were going to Big D the end of this week and maybe we could meet!
hope you're feeling better. i LOVE hummus!! praying for safe travel and sweet fellowship.
I've thought about your aunt since we saw each other on Thursday, and I have prayed for her. I know this is so very hard on you. Have a safe trip, and enjoy your time with together.
Love your pictures. How fun that you got to meet a blogging buddy in real life!
Have a safe trip. I will keep you and your Aunt in my prayers.
Praying your trip to Dallas goes well and you enjoy a special time with your Aunt!
Mmmm, the hummus looks really good!
How fun to meet a blogging friend :-)
Enjoyed all your photos. You weren't kidding when you said it was an eclectic week!
I can't imagine a more precious moment than to see my kids leading their peers to worship...you did good...GOD is good.
When I was reading about your aunt I was thinking of our sermon last night. The pastor said no less than 40 times "God is always completely in control". I don't always understand it, but I know its true.
Have a safe trip.
What a wonderful week you've had, fantastic pictures!!
Have a safe trip, will be praying for ya. :o)
I'm curious to know about the Body of Christ lesson, too! What was that about?
I am so happy for you that you got to meet a bloggin' buddy! I can't wait to be able to do the same sometime. How exciting!
One of my favorite things is to watch someone sign to a praise song. The first song I ever "saw" was Shout to the Lord. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. BEAUTIFUL!!
OH and to see your son leading worship for a bunch of teens?? I can't wait to see what God will do with him! :-)
I hope that your trip is safe, and that you get to spend the time with your Aunt that you need. One of my favorite memories of an elderly lady at our old church who got sick is right before she passed away, I got to sit with her in the hospital and read Scriptures to her while she faded in and out of consciousness. When she would wake up, she couldn't talk, but she would indicate she wasn't ready for me to stop. It was one of the most precious evenings of my life. Enjoy her.
what a week!
i made home-made hummus last week, cilantro-lemon..it's yummy when i crave the potato chips...
i'm eager to one day meet a fellow blogger...
i like to sign also...i'm not certified but love to read up and learn new words and songs.
mine's up...i've not been as diligent as you...but will work this week to do better.
love yours!
A very diverse week for sure. I am sorry about your aunt and understand missing her. I will pray for peace and rest for all.
Don't think I would care for hummas :-p
How cute are you smiling so big at meeting a bloggy friend.
Have a safe trip.
First, I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt. She sounds like a big part of your life. Hugs.
How fun that you met a bloggy friend. And if you love hummus and you have a Trader Joes near you then you have to try their brand. It is hands down the best ever.
Have a good trip.
Love your pictures! My mom is the interpreter for the deaf at our church so I immediatly saw the interpreter in the picture.
My friend Kristy LOVES that hummus. I am not such a big fan. :S
Your egg picture cracked me up! (I did not intend for that to be a pun. Oh well)
Praying you have a blessed time with your aunt.
Get some rest during your time off.
I understand about wanting God to do it NOW, but His timetable is different than ours.
I've been hearing so much about the film "Fireproof". I need to see it. Psalm 139 is a tremendous comfort, to know that are days are all planned by Him. Still, we miss the ones we love. I'm hoping you'll feel encouraged and strengthened in this difficult time.
Praying that your trip to see your Aunt will be a good one, hoping you have a special time together.
there is something so beautiful about an aunt that is just as much like a mother..i have one too. i do pray your time with her is slow and sweet.
Oops - sorry about the mix up with the linkys. My computer has been actin whack! Anyway - loved your pics - that lesson sounds very interesting and wiht all that food, well, now I am hungry!!!
Praying for you and your aunt. Have a safe trip. She needs your visit. She's waiting for you. And Sara, you minister to so many woman, just like your aunt does for you. Thanks for being a light for so many of us!
Great minds think alike. I bought that same hummus at Sam's this weekend. It's my favorite.
Have a safe trip. My prayers are with you.
Great taste of Sara, varied and delightful. Thank you!
I'm still learning...Am I supposed to go to Mr. Linky every week?
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