Friday, January 11, 2008

Warp Speed!

You know that commercial that is playing for high speed cable.....the one with the rats speeding around the room? Well, that seems to be how I have started the new warp speed! One of my goals this years is to have better time management, I even bought a planner to help with that and surprisingly it is working!!!! At least in the managing side, it doesn't seem to help slow things down! so needless to say there are no pictures lately! I haven't had much time to play with my new camera and am very sad about that!

Well, today is the day.....I send Alyssa back to school... :( We have had such a great time with her over her break. She has grown so much at school and just seems so comfortable with herself. It was very fun having her home. I have to admit it is not as hard to let her go this time!! It is actually getting easier....mainly due to how happy she is in college! I actually get one more day with her. I am driving with her to Dallas this afternoon. She is going to drop me off at my Aunt's and then head tomorrow morning back to Abilene.

I would love for all of you to lift up my Aunt in your prayers! I am going with her to her oncology apt on Monday. This is an important apt. because we will be discussing the results of her lastest CT scan and what her future is in regards to the chemo. This chemo has been rough on her. Please pray for wisdom for the doctor and for Mary Nelle as they decide what course to take or continue on. Also pray that she would feel well enough while I am there so that we can get done whatever she needs done. Thanks!

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