Sunday, December 14, 2014


I was at a Third Day concert recently.

They are one of my all time favorite Christian bands.

And they didn't disappoint!

But what I didn't expect was to be deeply touched by a song of theirs I had not heard before. Or maybe I had heard it but I was never in a position for the words to mean so much to me. 

Have you ever had that happen....where when hearing a song you just know that at that moment the words were meant for you to hear.

Such simple words, but they were so encouraging to me.

Maybe they will be to you too....


RaD said...

Oh Wow! Yeah that's an older one but a great one!

I once had a song by Jeremy Camp playing through my head (Beyond Measure) and I was "singing" the chorus all wrong. All of a sudden, the part where it says,"I come alive when, I see beyond my fears" became clear to me and I just broke down because that was my biggest struggle at the moment was being able to see past my fears.

So yes, I can definitely relate!

Mari said...

That's a good song, and a good promise! Yes, there is a light!

Rebecca Jo said...

They sang at the last Women of Faith concert I went to - they are fantastic. I'm going to sit back & take a break at work now & listen to that song...

Cathy said...

Good words.