Wednesday, October 9, 2013


we all do it.

and it's rarely ever productive.

Philippians 2:14-15 says:
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.

Did you catch the "everything"

Last night I found myself complaining.
And felt very justified in the complaint.

oh, I love my God.
and I love how He gently, yet clearly, speaks to my heart.

This what I read this morning from Jesus Calling:

You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent.  Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand.  I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me.  There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain.  You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following.  I understand better than anyone else the stresses and strains that have afflicted you.  You can vent safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective.  Complaining to others is another matter altogether.  It opens the door to deadly sins such as self-pity and rage.  Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out.  As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind and My song in your heart.

 What a GREAT reminder that when I take my issues to God, the only one who knows them completely and best, He can transform the way I look at them....calming my heart and giving me Peace.

When I take them to tends to just stir things up and I am left angry and frustrated.  Sure it feels good to "get it off my chest", so to speak...but it doesn't cause me to see it through God's perspective.  Some of our friends will wisely give advice that points us to God.  But if we are honest, most of the time we just agree with each other,  affirming the "right" to be upset.

Complaining opens the door to to self-righteousness, which opens the door to gossip, which opens the door to stirring up dissension, which is something that God HATES.... 

Proverbs 6:16-19.
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up dissension in the community.

I, for one, don't want to be that person....ever.
I am so grateful for God's Word and for His clear and gentle admonishments that bring my focus back on Him...the very BEST place for it to be.


Cathy said...

Great post Sara and thanks so much for the reminder. I love the idea of talking it out with the Lord and how He can help my perspective to change. I really need to hear this right now.

Lisa said...

SO good! I think I'll print that one out and tape it in my prayer journal

Sara@iSass said...

Oh man do I love complaining! From the weather to my mother in laws judgyiness. From junk toilet paper to allergies. If it one thing I'm excellent at; is moaning! Which doesn't make me like this convicting post so much. LOL
I may not "like hearing it" but God certainly intended for me to read it! I can't promise I won't ever complain again, but I will do my best that when I do it is for His ears only. You are such a mentor to me, thank you for that. ( I'm saving this post! I'll need lots of reminders!)

Lynne said...

That one deserves an "oh me" and an "Amen!" Great lesson and thank you for sharing!

Angie said...

Yours is a great post, as well, Sara! I may have to buy a copy of that book.