Sunday, October 7, 2012

project 365 - Week 40

Week 40.

You might have been wondering if I was going to was I.  I have been sick in bed since Saturday.  I think I have one of the worst head colds I have had in a long time.....ugh.

So, I'm going to get right to my pictures...


No picture for Sunday.  
It was a crazy day!!  I had to be at church early to set up children's and then we were having a combined service with the Korean church.  After church, they served us a wonderful Korean lunch.  We got home just in time to let the dog out then back to church for a leadership meeting that got out just in time for us to get home for life group!  whew!!

 Why an anatomy picture?
I spent the afternoon in the doctor's office with Alyssa to find out that she will be having her gall bladder taken out over Thanksgiving.  It's actually an answer to prayer as she has been suffering for a long time with it.  I had mine out just a few years older than her and have not had any trouble since.  I am praying the same will be for her!!

We are eating a lot healthier, more toward the Daniel diet since we got home.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time!!!!  LuAnn and her husband came through Little Rock and stayed the night with us!!!  It was so amazing meeting her in person!!

 I had the pleasure of babysitting this sweet boy today for a friend!  Such a happy little guy!!

 Can you guess from this picture what is going on outside?!!
It's pouring rain and thundering and Lily is a mess. She is not allowed on the furniture but jumped right into this chair and laid down.  Poor thing!

My throat starting feeling really scratchy last night and I woke up with a horrible cold.  It's rainy and cold out so I decided to stay in bed....good thing because I got worse as the day went on.  Alyssa heard I was sick and came by with a movie and soup for me.  She stayed and watched the movie and even cleaned my kitchen......I love her.

That's my week.  I am hoping I get over this fast.  I hate being sick...ugh. 


The Bug said...

Ugh - I hope you feel better SOON! I'm glad Alyssa could come by to "mother" you though :)

Robin Lambright said...

Colds are no fun! I hope you get to feeling better soon.

I know you were super happy to meet another blogging pal!

Rest and take care of yourself. What a sweet girl you have to come and take care of you like that!


Lynne said...

Praying God heals you and gives you strength, no fun having a head cold! Lots of rest sounds like just the ticket. Loved the photos!

Judy said...

So nice your daughter would do that for you. You are blessed.

RaD said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!

riTa Koch said...

What a crazy busy Sunday, sort of like ours yesterday.
Lots of rain here last week too.
A very different Thanksgiving for your family.
Need to learn more about your Daniel diet.
Oh, so hope you feel completely well soon!

Penny said...

Hope you're better today!!

Your poor kitten! Vicki does the same thing in thunderstorms.

Amy said...

Well.....since its been a couple days since you posted, I'm hoping you're feeling better by now??
I would love to meet one of my fellow bloggers one day; I think that is SO cool!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Feel better SOON!
So many cute pics...the baby and poor Lily...she needs a Valium and OH Alyssa...SO sweet!


Week has been and was I am running behind schedule. It looks as if I was not alone. Loved your shots. Hope you are well...would love to hear more about the Daniel diet.

Heidi said...

Somehow your first paragraph has left me singing Who Let the Dogs Out!?! I.T.'s Dr.recommended the Daniel Diet and I.T. said "I can't eat anything!" :) I love pictures with socks. Feel better soon and thanks for popping over to my blog just like old times even though I went MIA for like 3years! I love you for that.