Thursday, November 17, 2011

panic mode....

I think I am officially in panic mode.

I made the mistake this week of laying my calendar out for the next 6 weeks....oh my.
What have I done to myself?

You know that vacation I planned 6 months ago for the first week of December sounded so good then.  Don't get me wrong...I am really, really looking forward to seeing my friends and spending time with them, but I am a pastor's wife......and December is our busiest (and craziest) time of year....International Christmas party, ladies tea, staff party, children's church, Christmas service, new years day open house to name a few.

Then there is that colonoscopy that I can not put off any longer....ugh.
And then another trip to see family.

I think I must have temporarily lost my mind when I planned all those.
I am going to need all the time management and planning I can muster.

And if you know me at all....that is a streeeeetch for me.

Lists are going to become my new best, I so get that now!  :)

So, if you don't see me around this blog much or commenting on yours, please know that I will be back.....some time....... when I regain my sanity.


Skoots1moM said...


H-Mama said...

ah! i hear you, friend! hang in there!

Elizabeth said...

I have no doubt you'll survive and have a beautiful holiday season! You are so good at creating memories and making the holidays meaningful.

Is my dad doing your colonoscopy?

Cathy said...

I agree with skoots1mom.

LuAnn said...

I get it - especially all the church things that fall on a pastor's wife during the next 6 weeks - get it. Panic - I get it all and I am not even going on a trip. Take a breath - "Be still and know that I am God." He's right next to you helping you along the way.

Kim said...

Sorry Sara, but I'm laughing out loud :) Lists have always been my friend, but now even more than ever (since menopause seems to come built-in with major memory issues).

Will be praying for you, as well as the rest of us, as we ALL tend to over-commit during the holidays. It's like we temporarily LOSE OUR MINDS. hahaha


I know what you mean from one Pastor's wife to another. I had to gracefull bow out of two events when I realized I already had three scheduled on those days.....and why do people want to get married at Christmas time? I know it is beautiful....but griefus...between open house, the children's programs....hey...i was supposed to be giving you good advice...looks like I need to take it. Delegate!