Saturday, June 25, 2011

Project 365 - Week 26

Week 26.

I am posting early because we will be driving all day Saturday and I don't know what internet capabilities I will have...if I can, I will up date with a Saturday picture!!

This was a fairly calm week for me.  Last Saturday, we got Jared off on his mission trip to Brazil.  They made it safely this year, no lightening striking the plane....thank the Lord!!!  And from what we hear, things are going well.  They are just extremely tired.  I can't wait to hear how God showed up when they get back!!

So, I had the week to get ready for Steve's and my vacation.  And as you will see from the pictures, I was able to do some fun cooking....seeing as my picky eaters were all gone!!!  yea!!!

At this very moment, I am on a plane to Colorado springs where we will be meeting up with 2 other couples and driving to Jackson Hole, WY tomorrow.  Each mile that we fly, I can feel the stress just peeling off.....feels good!!

Here's my week:

 Happy Father's day to Steve!
He got his favorite meal....brats on the grill and we all spent the afternoon relaxing around the pool.


with the boys gone and my "good" eaters at home, I can try new recipes to my hearts delight this week!!
Adapted dinner from this recipe tonight.

Lily got her "summer cut" today!
I think she looks like a little mini bear!!!

Cleaned my house top to bottom today.
I wonder if it will look this good when I get back from vacation?
 We are doing a Safari VBS for our summer children's program.  Alyssa and I spent the afternoon working on all the decorations.  It doesn't start for 2 weeks, but since I am going out of town I didn't want my friend Denise to have to do it all herself.  And boy, is it going to be CUTE!!!!


 We are officially on vacation.  
And we unknowningly booked the same flight out of LR as our good friends that are meeting us in Jackson Hole in 3 days.  They are flying to Utah and spending some time in yellowstone before we meet up.

Vacation Steve obviously has not shown up for the party yet!!!
I hope your summer is going well and you are taking the time to spend with your family and loved ones!!  So show us what you are doing!  Link up....


Unknown said...

I just love when you post food pictures. There's got to be something wrong with that.

Lori said...

looks like a good week. enjoy your vacation

Sue said...

Hopefully Vacation Steve will eventually make it there!

Enjoy your vacation time! Travel safely.

Mimi said...

I hope you have the best time ever. Sorry I've been gone from P365 for so long, I've been sick, but I plan to be back next week with bells on!

Hugs & love,

The Davidson Den said...

Whoa-ho! Comin' in at #5!! ;)

RaD said...

We leave on vacation tomorrow! How funny that you and your friends booked the same flight. I'll bet it made it better that way.

Have a safe and fun trip!


What a fun week you seemed to have had. I love the food pictures. Have fun on your vacation and take lots of pictures. That was funny about you and your friends on the same flight. What are the odds of that happening?

Robin Lambright said...

Lifting a glass to a relaxing vacation!


Ladynred said...

Oh those are delicious. I'm hungry now!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I am laughing at Vacation Steve NOT showing up in the photo! I am sure he got IN the spirit soon enough! Wonderful week!

Rebecca Jo said...

Hope you enjoy that vacation!!!!

The Bug said...

Looks like a fun week - I think I need to come to your house for dinner. I can be adventurous as long as there aren't any olives involved:)

I hope you're having a FABULOUS time - can't wait to see next week's pictures!

The Davidson Den said...

I'm so glad for you that you were able to get your whole house clean before you left! (I don't know when the last time was that I was able to do that before a trip. But perhaps somewhere around three kids ago??)

Food looks very yummy!!!!

Love that last airplane picture! :) Have a fantabulous vacation!!

Rachel said...

I bet you are just totally having a blast right now! Hope you are getting some great R & R!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun week and that food looks delish! Your VBS sounds like fun and super cute giraffe! Fun vaca spot! We are haeded to CO in a few weeks for a weeks vaca...westminster just outside of Boulder! Hope you have a relaxing vaca!

riTa Koch said...

You are one fireball--cleaning, cooking, packing, VBS decorating, blogging! How did you fit in relaxing by the pool? And then you turn around and look like a movie star!

Well, Sara, I think I'm caught up with P365. Now back to sorting and salvaging stuff.

Have a marvellous time (even if it is WITH others, Steve ;)!

Angie said...

Love "vacation Steve has not shown up yet!" Funny. I'm usually the one that takes a little while getting into the spirit; I'm such a homebody.

I love coming home to a clean house. My husband doesn't understand that. Sigh.

Food looked delicious!

Again, hope you are having a great time!