Saturday, February 12, 2011

Project 365 - Week 7

 Week 7.

My week is pretty much all about snow.  Snowmageddon happened in AR and it completely took over our lives, effectively shutting them down!!

Today was in the 60s and sunny.....ridiculous.  But I will not complain about the sun!!!

Another earth shattering event......I am not posting ONE picture of food.  I know right?!!  I did however cook......yummy vegetable beef soup, the most delicious bay scallop risotto and chicken and orzo soup to name a few.....sadly, just no pictures.

If you don't mind, I would love to ask you to pray for my son Jared tomorrow, Monday, afternoon.  All-state tryouts were moved till then due weather....3rd times a charm, right?  Thanks so much!!

Well, here's my week:
 We went to a super bowl party at a friends house and I made a new friend!  Is she not the cutest thing?!


We woke up to 3 inches of very wet snow this morning.

From looking out my front porch today, you would never know that we got 3" of snow yesterday or that they are predicting we are going to get 8-10" tomorrow

It snowed all day today.
We got about 6 inches....crazy!!


This was my view today.
I woke up not feeling well at all and promptly went back to bed.

Every school was closed today but ours...go figure. We had a late start.  So after seeing that Jared was on his way to school (driving himself), Steve and I left for our usual Friday breakfast date.  This is what we found on the roads... 

 Solid ice!
I could not believe we send Jared out on this!!!!  And I was worried sick until we heard from him.  He made it fine but said it was pretty bad....ugh.  However, it was all melted by the time he came home!

This is about the best snowman you will ever see in AR!!  at my neighbors!

My blurb book came!!!!
And I LOVE it!

Do you know what this is?
Come back Monday for a review I am doing to find out!
Hope you had a great week.  If the national weather was right, then most of you will have pictures like mine!!!  link up and let's see!


Lori said...

looks like a slick snowy week for you. That is a super cute snowman! I think that last picture is peg board.

Mimi said...

The snow that you guys are getting is crazy! Great snowman though.

I would love the recipe for that risotto, it sounds amazing!

Hugs & love,

The Bug said...

That's crazy that Jared had to drive in that! Glad he was safe. The puppy is too cute - did it make you want one?

StephieAnne said...

Oh, that sweet little dog on your lap! I would have been petrified too thinking about those roads (and mega upset that his school was the only one that was still open...) - but, what a big step for you to trust him in the Lord's hands.

I will be praying for that "third time truly being the charm!"

Tiffany said...

I don't have any snow pictures, but wish we did! I'm so glad Jared made it to school okay - I'm sure you were worried. Hope you have a better week and we will be praying for Jared's try-outs:)!

Amy said...

I know exactly how Jared feels...three time all state choir participant. Very nerve wracking. I will be sending him good wishes!!

The snow is so crazy, but I love the snowman. The blurb book looks so cool...must look into doing this.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Here too, snow snow snow and all week snow. That's a good looking snowman you got there.

Amy said...

sounds like texas with the crazy back and forth weather! love the snowman!


Your weather sounds like ours with a kick. We just delayed school til after daylight so we could see to come in. I am glad because I teach and don't want to make up any more days than we already have to. This has been a crazy year. I have a button...stop by and grab it.

SusanD said...

Ha! My Wednesday picture is snow too. At least it's supposed to be in the 50s here today. Thanks for hosting. Have a great week. Blessings, SusanD

He & Me + 3 said...

Wow girl your place looks like mine. Snow covered. Love that snowman... Cute. Looks like a peg board to hold suckers :)
Cute doggie!

Ladynred said...

Ahh the never ending winter snow...same here! Great pictures this week!

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

A lot like our week with the snow & snow days off from school! I laughed out loud about what you said about not posting any food pics! It's funny how when you start 365-ing you find how many pictures involve what we eat. Like a cooking blog. It's hilarious! Have a great week!

riTa Koch said...

I love your Friday-breakfast-date concept AND reality!
Hope you're feeling better.
Blurb book inspires me.
About IWU Music department--four majors, great faculty, amazing performances. Probably not as big as BSU's dept. but intentionally Christian objectives and outcomes.
Either way you'd be close enough to stay in our home when you came to visit!

beckyjomama said...

We had lots of snow too! And I LOVE that book ... cannot to make one this year, when I actually make it all year long with the pictures!!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Some days, staying in bed is the best medicine ever!!!!

YIPEEEE for glad I found out about them here from you.

Cathy said...

Said a prayer for Jared. Love the picture of the little puppy. Is it a dachshund?

Loved all your pictures and I surely hope the snow is done now! lol

H-Mama said...

crazy weather! so sorry about the icy roads. i know your mama heart must have been worried sick.

such a cute new friend! :)

love your book. maybe that will motivate me to do mine? ;)

RaD said...

Uh... sorry a lot of my pictures include sunshine... I hope that doesn't make you jealous :)

I remember being a newer driver and going to school in weather like that. My call you when you get there mom worried every second until she got that phone call. Glad Jared only had to do it one way, as it can be so intimidating.

Unknown said...

I won't even tell you what the temperatures were here this weekend. It'll just make you angry.

McCrakensx4 said...

I hope you are feeling better...we have had the sickies at our house too...not fun for sure! Great snow man your neighbors made and glad that your son made it safely to sure are having some crazy winter weather. I have always wanted to make my blog into a blurb book...what great memories for sure.

Robin Lambright said...

What a sweet lap warmer!

I hope you are feeling better!

I was a bit jam packed yesterday so I am making the rounds this morning.

Have a great week!

Kim said...

Wonder why your son's school didn't close too? Ice is worse to drive on than snow, in my opinion. Glad he made it safely to school though!

Hope you're feeling better too!

All the food sounds yummy. I made PW's cinnamon rolls yesterday. AMAZING! Still have half the dough to do today though. Takes a sweet forever using only my toaster oven. LOL

Too busy this weekend to get a P365 post up; decided to wait and do 2 weeks next weekend.

Have a great (hopefully snow free) week!

Sue said...

A snowman!! I really should stop complaining about our snowfall and get out and make fun of it like you did with a snowman! Now there's a great idea.

Love the book of project 365, must be something to sit back and really look at how the whole year went. I love that.

Elizabeth said...

Can you believe snow one day sunshine another? Although we did enjoy the couch time! ;) Where did you have your blurb book made?