Can you believe we are well into February already?!! I had a crazy busy week....I am not excited about the pace that February is starting with but am determined to enjoy every bit of it!!!
I was challenged by a few of you to go a week without a food picture..........ya, couldn't do it.
Here's my week....
Steve and I were invited to join one of our church's Life Groups for lunch after church. The weather is somewhat better, but it was obvious that the restaurant was short staffed. Our poor waitress was working her tail off!!
I wore this necklace today and got so many compliments. the cool thing about it is that I bought this when I was in 7th grade. I worked all summer making macrame plant holders to earn enough to buy it!
The Dharma cake my friend made for her LOST party!!!
(okay I have to laugh just a bit! On my other blog, several of you said you had never heard of a Dharma cake. You obviously don't watch LOST.....Dharma is an organization on LOST and this cake was a Dharma design!!! :) yes, I am a LOSTie!!)
NTunes concert tonight
Several months ago the school had tryouts and put together a band and several singers. They have been practicing like crazy and let me tell you it paid off!!
They were GREAT!
This is Jason playing the banjo.

Lily and I are having a girls night!
Jason is at homecoming and then playing at the concert after.
Jared and Steve are on their way to Jonesboro for Jared's all-state tryout tomorrow.
***update: he didn't make it but he was pleased with his audition! there were nearly 50 horns trying out. Next year for sure!***
LOVE the necklace!
Such a proud mama - and who wouldn't be?
Now I'm hungry. Gonna go drink a gallon or two of water and call it a day before I eat!
How did you mold that butter? Who needs a butter bell?
I love the necklace!
enjoy week 7 :)
The food looks great - even the molded butter. Cute dog!
I'm impressed with the molded butter too. And that necklace, so fun! Can't believe you bought it in 7th grade.
thanks for hosting this each week Sara, i really appreciate it...there are so many new ones, and great ones too...it's hard to visit and comment them all in one day! look what you have started! yay! thanks again! now take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your busy month.
FOOD Picture!!! (Restaurants count.)
Love that necklace! I’d design more pieces like this, but they just don’t sell in Minnesota. But . . . Macrame!!!! There’s a 70’s craft nobody does anymore! We would have been BBF’s in the 70’s Were your plant holders ORANGE??!? w/ brown wooden beads??
Tuesday: FOOD! Don’t watch “Lost,” but I recall a show called “Dharma & Greg.” Either way – it looks yummy!
Wednesday: FOOOOOD!!!
Banjo – flashback again -- 1971! Jason is cute :-)
Formal – yes they look weary.
Butter IS Food.
The challenge remains!
You’re pictures are always so clear – would make a great Coffee Table Book. oH! Right! Done.
Have a GREAT SUNDAY, Sara!
Your family remains in our family's prayers.
i'm impressed with your molded butter. How did you do that? wow!
We had pizza for dinner this week too. Life gets crazy. I am not a Lost person either so I had no idea what a Dharma cake was either. Looks good though.
Cool necklace too. Wow...I am not sure if I have anything from HS, let alone 7th grade....I can see why you still have it. Gorgeous!
Hi Sara. Great week in pictures again. Love the butter. You are so creative. I watch lost sometimes, but not often. Love the picture of the kids at the table. Hopefully that was after the dance and not before...they look worn out. lol
Cute necklace. Guess it's true, if you hang on to something long enough, it comes back into style eventually.
Have a great day and thanks for hosting Project 365. I'm meeting so many neat people through it.
Yes, please tell us how you did the butter...so pretty!
Sounds like you are keeping a good attitude about the busy-ness of life.
I've never seen Lost, but I know its all the rage!
Great week...blessings to you.
You know, I've never watched a single episode of LOST. I'd like to maybe give 24 a try. We are in the middle of an NCIS marathon right now...
The necklace and butter are both very impressive. The necklace is certainly a keeper.
I know you must be proud of Jason... reminds me of my hubs. He can pick up just about any instrument, while I'm pecking away at Mary Had a Little Lamb on the piano. ;)
Thanks for the prayers, girl. It's getting better. ;)
I've never seen a butter mold like that. Tell us how you did it.
I'm LOST when you start talking about LOST!
I'm impressed with your molded butter too! Very cool.
I almost managed to get by without any food photos. If only Guillermo hadn't made that decadent chocolate dessert...
Your pizza looks amazing. I want some pizza now!
I always enjoy your photos. I can imagine what your life is like by looking at them! Which is the whole point of the project, isn't it? :-)
Not a Lostie, but that cake looked yummy! And I am very impressed with your molded butter...how cool! And doesn't every household in America have pizza at least once a week for dinner...I know we do!! Have a good week!
Sara - love the butter and necklace. Not feeling good yet. Will write more later.
Gorgeous necklace! I think it's cool that your kids are so talented...
LOVE the necklace and the story behind it.
I also made pizza for everyone else when under the weather this week. Your pizza looks yummier than mine. :)
The butter is beautiful!!
You always have such nice images Sarah. Great job.
I must be hungry because I was drawn to the pizza & the butter & LOVE the Darma cake!!! that's funny!
Love the molded butter, way cool!
The Dharmah Cake was awesome! Loved it!
Love the necklace! You had great taste even back then! :)
I can't imagine a week of yours not including food! That's just a part of you and your family, and with as yummy as you make it, why not?
Wow! That butter is amazing! Glad you survived your first week in February. Only 3 more to go!
You asked when Jon & Kristin would know for sure that Caleb is theirs. The mother has about 6 months of legal stuff and through all that time she can change her mind at any time. Thanks for your prayers!
I'm impressed with the molded butter!
I love their picture too - it captures some personality and looks like a fun group.
And the necklace - great taste for 7th grade!
Aww...Mindy Clark! Love her!
I'm a LOSTie, too!! A Dharma cake is a great idea! We don't have enough friends who watch it like us, though, so we'd be the only ones to "get it." I guess that means more cake for us!
You had awesome taste, especially considering you were only in 7th grade! When I think back to the things I wore then, it makes me shudder. (Not that I'm doing much better now, but still.)
How EVER did you make a butter mold like that?!
Wow that butter mold is amazing. I love that you have musical kids...warms my heart. Love the picture of your "girls night"...so cute. Love the Dharma cake, it took me a minute to figure it out, but I got it.
Great pictures
Love the necklace AND the butter. And I am going to be praying for you this month. God will order your steps, light your path and be Jehovah Shalom in your days.
You've won a blog award!
Please, come by my blog to pick it up!
Have a great week! - Angie
Love the necklace.
I'm only on the first season of LOST so I have no idea what you're talking about. What in the world? Don't tell me.
LOVE the necklace and sweet LILY...TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY impressed with MOLDED BUTTAH!!! ;)
Your pictures are good. Love the molded butter. It actually made me laugh. I remember when Memommy had some molded butter on the table and one of my brothers ate a spoonfull because he thought it was ice cream. lol
I didn't know what you meant about Dharma cake either. Makes sense now and it looks yummy!
My camera is STILL not back. I am really bummed. Should get it this week though. YAY!
Oh yes it is overwhelming you may as well do an entire post on the molded butter! I thought it was icing, just marvie darlin'! I love butter and I love pretty butter too!
That neckalce is awesome! I have a shell necklace I rec'd at my 13 bday that I still wear to this day and get a lot of compliments. I finally got my week done. The funny thing is that I started it early. arg. oh well. :)
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