Week 4...
....and I have already missed a picture!!
Oh, well. I had a busy week, but spent most of my time trying to recover from a sleepless night on Sunday. As I am taking a break to put this together, it is 6:30 pm and I still have a cake to bake for tomorrow......but first things first!!!
Here's my week:
some very tired eyes.
got a call at 1am last night that Alyssa was in the ER with abdominal pain. I was awake till 4:30 when we found out that it was another ruptured ovarian cyst. She is doing better, but it was a long day for this mama to be away from her baby.
Today was extremely busy!!
I barely had time to breathe
hence no picture....ugh!
our unit this Sunday is the fiery furnace.
today we were testing out our stage and props.
you can't tell but the flames are moving and crackling.
This is going to be SO COOL!!
I hope you all have had a great week and I can't wait to see your pictures. So link up by clicking on Mr. Linky!!!
Golden idol: WhOooah! . . . how’d ya’ do that??!
Monday: oh my, Sara – I am so sorry about Alyssa! Those cysts are terribly painful. And for you to be away from her: probably just as painful. I will pray God’s Healing Hand upon her body.
Jarad driving: :-o Looks waaaay too mature in this shot. Lol! Also – the words delighted – thrilled – rapturous – come to mind when describing that look.
Fiery Furnace -- Again: Too cool!
Friday: I’m guessing Lasagna!!??
My husband is thrilled I read your blog this morning and nabbed the beef cheddar pie recipe. It was soooo good. Thanks! We have to think of a name for you... Pioneer Woman the 2nd won't cut it for your book.
so sorry to hear about your baby girl. hope she is doing better! drivers license... such a huge mile stone. he looks happy. ;)
my guess is lasagna too!
Love the Lion's Den! My church was totally not as cool as yours that's for sure!
Well, my eyes went right to the Blue Bell! That must be for you - it's not enough to share! LOL
Amazing props! Do you all make these up yourselves? If so, you should publish an idea book for other churches.
That's a great photo of Jared. Congrats, young man!
No idea what you're cookin'.
Have a great one!
I'm Linky challenged, I guess. I linked, then realized that I didn't credit your blog, edited and saved with that info and then realized that it was linking to a post I created in November! Such a great first impression! Ha!
Anyway...sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she's better soon!
The Daniel statue - awesome!
I'm guessing it's pasta night! Looks yummy.
Wow... those are VERY tired looking eyes!
Look at that smile behind the wheel!
I'm guessing lasagna....don't think it's LeeLee's recipe though tsk tsk. Just joking especially after the week you had.
I know what you mean about the sleep. Less than 5 years ago I could go all night without sleep and was fine now I gripe about getting up for 20 mins to feed baby. My how things do change.
THose are some rockin props! Wish I could see it in action!
I have been where Alyssa is - so not fun! Prayin for her. And your eyes may be tired, but they are LOVELY! You are a good mama!
And GO JARED!!!!!!
Good Morning Sara-
I have to first comment on your February schedule!! YIKES - crazy with lots a fun stuff added, mine does not look so bad. Your girls weekennd sounds like too much fun.
Jared looks so proud - yet as a mom it still is scarry when they drive away the first time by themselves and many times after that too.
Lovin' Lasagna - I'm sure they will too.
Have a great week!
Blessings to you -
I missed several days, so don't feel bad Sara! I couldn't believe I let the week slip past because I've been so good about taking photos lately. But I was just flat tired this week. We'll both do better next week!
Your photos are gorgeous! I love the props scenes from church. Wow!
If I showed a photo of my eyes nobody would come back to my blog. lol I seem to have caught an infection and the last 2 mornings have woken up with gunky icky eyes.
Is it lasagna or some kind of pasta?
Congrats to your newest driver! That is one HUGE grin on his face :-)
Have a wonderful week!
I didn't think Jared was ever going to get his license from the way you talked...good for him...I remember that day in my life with much fondness!
At first I thought everyone was wrong about lasagna, because I saw the box of shells first, but then I blew it up and saw the sausage so now I KNOW you are making Pioneer Woman's Best Ever lasagna.
What a treat that you get to go to all these top-notch concerts!
Praying God gives you strength to accomplish it all!
Lisa wins the prize....I am making Pioneer Woman's lasagna! But I am also making stuffed shells for those who don't want meat.
Linda, you win the prize too and you made me laugh!!! the blue bell is for ME...not enough to share!! :)
Those shots are really nice. I am a new comer and joining in the fun. I had some tired eyes too this week. Love your eye color.
I hate that Alyssa had to go through that without you; that's hard. I'm happy that she's good and safe now.
Great photos! I'm grateful your daughter is doing ok now. How scary for you! Your church skits/props/programs look fantastic. Have a blessed Sunday!
Way to go Jared! Even though they look tired, you have really beautiful eyes, Sara. And, wow - the props at your church - amazing!
Thank you for fixing the link! I REALLY appreciate it.
Yes, I do have a sophomore in college daughter, a 16 year old son, and an 8 yr-old and soon to be 7-yr-old daughters.
Yep, stay away from those Oreos; they're dangerous. :)
I so sympathize with your daughter. I've had an ovarian cyst before and they are very painful I hope she feels better very soon.
Great pictures and my guess is lasagna???
Wow! What a week - I don't feel so bad about missing my first day now - not because of lack of sleep, worry, just because it was a dull, gray Indiana winter day!
Being a music teacher I love the band picture and being a mother of a 14 year old the driving picture scares me to death....yikes!!
Great pictures this week
P.S...I have/had ovarian cysts and had my first one at 18...no fun I am so sorry to hear about hers.
Hi...I blogged over from He & Me + 3 and I would love to join in on the fun of the Project 365...although I am a little late, better late than never!! Nice to 'meet' you! I think I always have tired eyes!
Very nice pics! I finally found the link up link! yay! I can totally understand not having the time to get the camera out. So far I don't have one for today. **sigh**
Way to go on the passing of the license! And that Daniel theme is looking and sounding very cool!
Chel - I bet next week will be much better!
Sara, I love the golden idol and the fiery furnace, so cool!!!
Congrats to Jared on his driver's license. Way to go!
Looks like a good week and remember, no pressure about missing a day. That's what you tell us.
I don't remember if I sent you an e-mail or not, but I loved the book you made. Thanks for sending me a link so I could see it. It was really great and now I want to make one too.
Thanks for doing Project 365. I'm having a lot of fun with it this year.
Oh, your poor girl! That must've been awful.
J looks SO proud...congrats to him!
Y'all have really gone all out on those props! Got the creative juices flowin', I'd say!
So sorry about your daughter. I'm sure that was torturous being away from her. How scary.
Congrats to Jared!
Oh, man, I actually MISS those good ol' stressful days of trying out for All-Region and All-State band and choir. Can't believe I'm saying that. But it really was so much fun.
great shot! im joining the fun :) but im posting my photo everyday! hope that'll be okay :)
Wow Sara - Can't believe Jared is driving! Brian is 16 in April. I can't believe how much they have matured and grown!
Loved the firey furnace! It was a great effect!
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