Week 51!!!
One more week........that is so hard to believe!!! Don't forget that next week I will be having a give away....$20 gift card to blurb for those of you who link up and have participated for a majority of the year in Project 365!!!
Here's my week:
We love her!!!
Today, I went out after work to get some Christmas shopping done...
.....now I remember why I usually don't wait this late to shop!!
I also came home with one of these.....
The youth group meets at our house on Wednesdays.
Usually we leave for our small group, but this week we stuck around for a while.
It was LOUD!!
We had a tag-a-long on our breakfast date today!!
(wow, I look tired and I desperately need lipstick on!)
I spent the afternoon making jewelry with my friend, Dena.
So much fun!!
oh my goodness your jewelry is beautiful!!
the biscuits and gravy look delicious!! i can almost smell them thru the screen. :)
have a blessed and merry christmas!!
Love the tree, the jewelry, the spoiled pup, NOT the ticket! :o!!
You can pass some biscuits and gravy my way. Mmmmm....
Have a most blessed Christmas!!
Spoiled dogs = loved dogs and that's the best way for them to be.
You're jewelry is gorgeous and so is your tree.
I'm not a gravy fan, but my husband would LOVE to have some of your biscuits and gravy.
I hope you and your family has a wonderful Christmas!
I have never had biscuits and gravy but it sure looks good.
Your tree is amazing!!!
Enjoy your Christmas with your family!!!
Blessings to you!
What a great week (minus the ticket, of course)! I love your tree too! :-) And mine! I love Christmas trees!!! lol
Isn't it wonderful having the daughter home?! Estoy muy contenta!
I wanted to reach right through the computer and get me a plate of those biscuits and gravy! LOVE it! I have to make my own breakfast sausage and haven't quite gotten the flavor down right. Close but not exact.
Our family loves Settlers too; left it with the son and his wife in the U.S. and sad that we did so. We could have totally played it here!
Have a wonderful, blessed, best ever Christmas!
You're so great. Always on top of things.I'm way behind and haven't even downloaded any photos from my camera since last Sunday! That's super strange for me, but soon I will and I'll finish this Project!!
Have a great day and an even better week as you celebrate the coming of our Prince of Peace with you family.
Yay, all together as a family. Your tree looks great...amazing that you got it up with everything else going on!
Sara...looks like a WONDERFUL week (minus the ticket, OF COURSE!) and I am SO hungry for biscuits and gravy now! YUM!
What time shall I be there for breakfast tomorrow?!
Looks like a great week. I bet those teenagers/young adults in that picture get in your house and never want to leave!
That jewelry looks so pretty; I'll bet it was fun to make.
We're in our home, and we've been blessed with an abundant supply of good helpers, but we've still much to do.
We put the garbage up on poles because dogs run free in the streets so if we put them in bins on the ground, there'd be an even bigger mess than the ones the birds make! Garbage is picked up six nights a week, so putting a small bag or two up on the poles isn't too bad. But boy howdy, what a smell when the garbage men go on strike! lol
LOVE your pretty tree ... LOVE that beautiful jewelry and WANT some of the biscuits and gravy! YUMM!
You pack a lot o'fun in a week!
And you sure go all out with decor for SS. I had Jr. Worship today, 30 kids, + helpers. Great time going over What God Wants for Christmas, and the story of St. Nicholas.
I love the youth group photo. And your tree is gorgeous!
Settlers great game!
Jewelry cool!
A question, what else does the daughter shirt say? Anything that includes the word LANGUAGE calls my attention!
Have a marvellous week!
I love your beautiful Christmas tree! What is Settlers of Catan. Never heard of that, but the photo of the gameboard looks interesting.
That is most assuredly a spoiled dog and a softie-dog-dad! Lol! Great shot!!!
RE: Your personal Christmas greeting from the Little Rock Police... so how fast were you going? That’s sad. :(
Wed: What an awesome group. That room looks perfect for acoustics – where’s the guitar and string bass. I LOVE your tree too!
Really gorgeous jewelry. Really. I design jewelry and sell on consignment to several tourists spots in Minnesota – [business is slow when the snow comes...wonderWHY??], but these kind of pieces and items similar go for around $75 with sterling silver fittings. More with genuine stones... They are really really nice.
I’ve never heard of Catan...
I cannot believe I have stuck with Project 365 for 356 days. Unbelievable! Lets do it again in 2010.
That is some good stuff, Sara. Well, everything but the ticket...ugh!
I've been hearing about that game lots this year...heard it is a really good one.
That jewelry is amazing! Maybe you should do a little giveaway here on your blog ;)
so what's the story on the ticket? parking or speeding??? ☺ those biscuits/gravy are making me wanna drool. my favorite breakfast by far!
I say WOW to your photos faithfullness and love the jewelry. My sympathies on the ticket. : (
Don't they have some criminals to go after? really! We played Quiddler on the plane and it was a fun new game to me.
love your tree!
52 weeks! wow, that is SO great!
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