Subject: 36 hours of travel adn we are now here!
so ya....worst travel eperience ever...ill give the short version. made it to atlanta ok....made it to Buenos Aeres ok....but then our flight got delayed, they couldnt findus in the system, they gave kelsey extra trouble, then they were bout to give usw a new flight when th4ey said we could jus make the original one! so we go there and our flight got canciled. so they gave us two options...we could either take a flight to a random unknown country and then transfer to porto alegre or they could put us in a hotel till about six thirty feed us and then go back for a ten o clock flight. well we took the second one. soi everything was awesome in the hotel and time came where we went back to the airport and checked in...\we werent in the system again|! so they took us to another airline and went throught the same process all over again and got bording passes. well then we changed terminals twice and then we finally got on the plane and sure enough we are on our way to porto alegre! so were in the air adnd we strAART EXPEREINCING SOME MAJOR turbulance (sorry for the caps...i dont understand this keyboard...) and so i start looking at the wing cuz i was pretty sure that it was gunna snap and then....IT WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTING!!!! not jus a zap but it exploded!!!! oh was pretty sure at that point we were gunna die...hahaha...but everything was aparently cool...till i saw the assistance clear the emergency exit lanes....then i pretty much started to pray like it was goin out of style!!! the plane kept dropping like crazy! so were about to land and all the sudden this side wind comes out of no where and knocks the plane3 sideways! so the poilot stepped on the gas and took us to the nextr safe airport for an emergency landing...well we sat there for twenty mins and then we took off again to porto alegre \(after they checked the wing to make sure it was ok) so we got there at four in the morning and went through customs. we startede to get our luggage. everyone got theirs but me. my suitcase nor my guitar made it. i wore the same clothes for three days! BUT i did get a suitcase with my number and name on it! but it wasnt mine! they switched the tags! well long stoory short we got the siutcase thing worked out today and i got both. everything made it to thomas ok. and i am the ladiwes man at all the schools with my guitar :D
love you all
Joshua Miles Hurlburt sent a message to the members of STUMIN.
Subject: safe in brazil
just wanted to let everyone know that we are safe in brazil.
we took a long time getting here and were almost a day late. it included bumped flight, delayed flights, the place getting struck by lighting, almost landing a plane but pulling up about 5 feet from the ground, and lost luggage (that has now been found).
we are safe (see: parents sighing with relief) and are having a wonderful time.
we have been in the local school system the last two days witnessing. we are sharing cultural aspects about america and then telling them why we are there. (kirby and i have combined our aspect and have them calling the hogs, it is hilarious.)
this weekend we are going to be working with 200 teenagers in a camp, loving on them and sharing jesus with them.
this is a wonderful experience and we are so encouraged by your prayers. pray for safety, for our gospel to open hearts, and for bravery and confidence in christ that goes before us.
i will update as much as possible, but because of our schedule it will probably be random. no promises.
we love you all. see you tuesday (keeping our fingers crossed on that one).
You gotta love how my son ended his email and with no mention of his brother.....that is my son!!! But it is just very good sometimes what we mothers don't know!! Please pray for continued safety, ministry and their flight back on Monday!! thank you so much!!

Wow what an experiance! Praying for their continued safty.
wow!! glad they made it safely!
What a crazy time!!! I'm praying for them!
Oh my goodness lady! Peace to YOU (and them)
Prayers for safety (and a lack of lightening),
The Lord is good - he is with them. Glad they got there o.k. Sara- I don;t know if anyone else mentioned this or maybe just my computer. I love the background on the blog but having a real hard time reading it.
Wow. Glad they are okay. And that you didn't know a thing until after it was all over!
I have two grown sons and can just picture this scenario. Glad yours are safe and you're right- what we don't know, can't hurt us.
Heidi I cannot believe how calm you are; that is a testament to your sanity/faith.
praying God's special protection over them...can they take a bus home? that would probably be WORSE...
may His peace envelope you and your family until they're safely back home
hope they're keeping journals...they'll have a lot to tell you
Praying God's arms of protection around them for the remainder of their stay and their return trip home!
OH MY GOSH!!!!! I think I would have rather he told me when he was home safe and sound, or better yet, not at all! LOL
So glad they are safe, and will continue to pray for a safe stay and travel home as well.
Whew! I loved his last sentence from the first email. That "ladies' man."
Praying for their safety.
Well, I can guarantee this is one trip they won't forget for a long time. I will keep them in my prayers, that they will have a less memorable trip home.
That is just crazy - Praise God for God's protection over them!
i felt led to pray for your boys last night as i was laying in bed trying to go to sleep, i guess THIS is why! oh my, thank God they are fine now, i was on the edge of my seat reading that.
OH MY! OH MY! How many gray hairs did you sprout while you read THAT e-mail!!!?
So glad they are there SAFE and SOUND!
I like how he says, right in the climax of the story "oh was pretty sure at that point we were gunna die...hahaha...". What part is the hahaha??
God must have a special work for them there if they've gone through all that to get there!
I'm curious how high your hear rate got while reading that...we're praying!!
Wow!!! But what a testimony!!!
I saw this on FB and just hadn't had a chance to get over here.
OMG, Sara! HOW SCARY!! Praising God that all is well now. Will be lifting them up in prayer that they return home safely and of course, for their work there.
What great stories he'll have to tell when he gets home! I'd love to hear them in person. He'll have miracles to add to his growing collection. God loves Jason.
please pray for my great niece, Katie, she just came out of heart surgery and the next 48 hours are critical, thanks!
The angels were working overtime!
What an adventure, great faith-builder!
Oh my goodness! What an ordeal! I think I would have rathered them tell me all of this after they arrived home safely. No really...I know God will take care of them and bring them home safe. This whole experience will have a lasting affect on them. Can't wait to hear about how they witnessed and ministered to all of those teenagers. So Awesome!
My jaw was on the floor with Jason's email!! You are right--better to never, ever know these things. I'm sure you could drum up your own things to worry about without hearing about the absolutely C.R.A.Z.Y. things that did! Ha!!
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