I am officially the worst mother of the year.
Let me back up and start with last week. We received an email from the school inviting us to the honors awards ceremony. It said we were getting the email because one of our children was getting an award. Which child? didn't say. What award? didn't say.
Now, I went to this ceremony last year because I was serving at the reception afterwards........
several hours long, monotonous.......painful.
So, I am obviously not too excited about going. I call the school and find out that Jared is the one getting the award. It must be for honor roll. He has made honor roll every semester. I really don't want to sit through hours of awards for honor roll....don't get me wrong, honor roll is great. But Jared has always made honor roll. So, I talk to Jared and he thinks that is probably it and doesn't care if we go or not. whew!!!
I tell my friend, Jill (who is going because she
A little while later, I get a txt from Jill. This is our conversation:
Jill: Omg jared won most outstanding band student!!!
Me: LOL! u r so funny!!
Jill: no sara I am serious! he really did!
me: Jill..they gave the music awards at the band concert on Friday...nice try!
Jill: Sara bowyer listen 2 me sweetie - I am not kidding u!
me: Jill, don't play with me...u r serious?!!!
Jill: YES! i am serious!
me: was he the only one?
Jill: yes! go jared!
me: Jill....if u r messing with me I am going to hurt u!
Jill: bless ur heart i am really not messin with u - i promise
yep, I deserve the Worst Mom of the Year Award.......
..........not only did we not get to see Jared get this award as a freshman, but Jared did not get the joy of walking up on the stage and accepting the award for Most Outstanding Band Student..........yep.......

OH NO!!!! I would feel like a "Worst Mother", too, although I would also feel like you did about a very long, tedious honor roll ceremony!!!
Congrats, Jared!
No, that should be the "worst school" award. The school should tell the parents what the award is so the student will be there.
Our middle school always does that. The high school not so much.
Oh, and I hit Publish too soon.
Congrats to Jared!!
Hahaha! I know this is not (entirely) funny to YOU, but your texted conversation was hilarious! I'm assuming Jill V.? She cracks me up. I can just picture the whole thing! Listen, I'm thoroughly impressed that you two moms even know HOW to text!! I, on the other hand, have NOOOOOOO clue!
Oh, and I just have to say...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new look! Awesome!! Seriously.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I know you must have been so disappointed.
Congrats to your son!
I know how bad you feel! We have done something like that as well.... They forgive you... and you need to forgive yourself too! So you see ... you are not the worst mother in the world... you remember Octamom? LOL...
Oh dear! Oh dear! WHY do things happen like this?? I am with you on NOT wanting to sit through YET ANOTHER long, boring awards ceremony!
CONGRATS to sweet Jared!!!!
i almost didn't attend our youth counselor celebration b/c i was having one of those hormonal/menopausal days and didn't want to get ready or go...
in reality, it was my surprise 50th birthday party.
Hubby realized how "hormonal and bad" my week had been and he had done all that work to get my party ready, so he talked to the house hostess about my situation so she "told a white lie" when she called me on the day of the party saying she needed one more entree could i please come and help...that's how they got me there! Needless to say I was shocked when I got there...but, I was not going to go (up until about 45 mins b4 the event).
Congrats, Jared! I won our school's John Philip Sousa Award...go band!!!
oh no! that's terrible. I'm sorry that you missed out on this night.
congrats, Jared!
love your new blog look!!
Hey Sara,
I'm wanting to send you an email but don't see your address. Would you mind emailing me at jamiehess@charter.net.
Hmmm...I just tested the video, and it works fine here. I'm not even going to pretend to know what weird technical problem might be going on. sorry. :)
Congrats to Jared and condolences to you. Just go ahead and beat yourself with a wet noddle and be done with it. NO more guilt. I promise you didn't damage him. Our children are much more resilient than we are with these sorts of things. Oh yes, it's a big club, this worst mother club.
You can be forgiven because SOMEONE is responsible to him turning out so nicely.
I completely understand. I have wanted to skip many of them. Once I skipped an award when I was in highschool myself because I did not know exactly what it was for. I had gotten so many that were seemingly pointless, I did not want to go and spend a long night for perfect attendance or acing a test. But come to find out after I did not go that it was a much higher award than I had ever gotten before and I missed it. So I don't let my kids do that, just in case. Those nights are overwhelming though. I completely understand.
Awww.. you poor thing. You're not the worst mom of the year at all. Those end of the year awards ceremonies are torturous!
If it makes you feel any better, my parents never came to any of those awards ceremonies. EVER. Not the plays either or field trips or anything. They were very hands-off parents, and there are a lot of them out there. So being an involved parent automatically makes you a good mom.
you poor thing, i can feel your pain right now. but, we all know that you are a great mom! I know you are proud of Jared- give him a high 5 for me...and don't beat yourself up too bad, it will be a funny story real soon. :D
I agree with Mocha with Linda! The school should have told you what he was winning. They didn't have to tell Jared, but they should at least tell you!
Don't worry, by the time he gets into college he won't even care about it anymore. :) But congratulations to him anyway!
I've gotta go with Mocha With Linda on this one - they should have been a lot more specific in telling you what it was all about. At least you talked with Jared about it before hand - he knows you would never intentionally miss something like this!
Oh...and congrats to Jared! Way to go!
At least you didn't leave him on the side of the road somewhere. OK, sorry. Bad joke.
Really though...YOU are not the worst mom. You just made a mistake, that's all! You still rock. And so does Jared.
Oh Sara, I'm so sorry, that's a bummer! I agree that the school should have let you know what the award was. We all know how long those award ceremonies are, so any one of us, could have done the same thing.
Just put his award in a fantastic frame and hang it on the wall for everyone to see and I'm sure he will be happy. Oh and....why not take him out to his favorite restaurant to celebrate as a family and that will make up for it, for sure!
Congratulations to Jared and to you, the proud mom! :)
Oh, no! What a bummer.....but don't beat yourself up, Sara. You are an excellent mom who is proud of her son....and he KNOWS it!!
Congrats to Jared!
Congrats on the award Jared!
Sara - don't feel too bad. You can't be everywhere and do everything!
i think we all have that fear we are going to miss something important with our kids. i bet he was happy to have your cheering and lovin' when he got home just as much!
Oh Sara, that's just awful.
I'm sorry it happened but a huge congrats to Jared!!! And you know he wouldn't be where he is without a good Mama.
That reminds me of when my son was on the eighth grade Honor Roll totoally unbeknownst to me. I missed him then, and I've missed his good grades ever since.
However, I do not think you deserve the worst mom award by any means. How wonderful to have such a talented son, as well as a daughter who thinks you're number 1!
Fresh, real, I'm coming back. And don't feel too bad, my mom and I did the same thing in high school but I missed being awarded "most likely to succeed" for my senior class.
Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
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