I truly can't thank all of you enough for your prayers today. They were deeply felt and everyone is at peace with the decision. However, I think this week will be hard on all of us as we watch her slip away.
I will be leaving for Dallas tomorrow. Not sure how long I will be there, but I will be without internet most likely the whole week.
Please continue to keep my family in your prayers as we walk this last stretch.
Pray that God's love would shine through all of us and that those in our family who do not personally know their Savior would be drawn to Him.

Sara, I know this will be a tragic loss for you and your family, but I am thankful that all of you have peace about your aunts decision. I will be praying for the Lord to give you and your family strength, for your aunt to go in peace, and for the unsaved family members to come to know Jesus! Lord bless you and keep you, Debra
what a blessing she is the one who is able to make this decision. and what a testimony to even us who do not know her on where our HOME is and to not hold on to this world. i will be praying for you sara!!
I'm glad that she is able to make the decision of what she wants and no one else needs to do that and 2nd guess things. You know this is what she wants and it is a comfort that she knows where she is going and has that peace.
I'll be praying for you and your family, Sara.
I will continue praying for you and pray that the difficulty will be replaced with celebration at what a wonderful woman she is!!! Love you!
What a strong woman your Aunt is, living her life with such grace, blessing all who have the joy of knowing her.
Big hugs to you Sara, as you make this journey to be with her. Much love and prayers.
What a comfort to your family. Your aunt is letting her faith shine right until the end. Isn't it a blessing to know that she will soon be at Jesus side. I lnow it is hard to loose a loved one but then we also have the comfort to know we will see them again in heaven.
I wish I could give you a hug.
God be with you and your family!!
Safe travels Sara!! LuAnn
I know it's hard to say goodbye and be left behind, but how wonderful to know where she is going and to have pece. Hugs to you, my friend.
I'm so sorry, Sara. It's just never easy. Peace to you and yours. You'll be in my prayers,
Oh Sweetie, I am praying for you all. Know that you are loved so very much! What a Blessing that you not only know where she is going, but know that she is peaceful and READY to be there ... HOME! Praise His name!
I pray God will bless you and your family this week as your Aunt goes home to be with the Lord. You will continue to be in my prayers.
I know your aunt is like a mother to you and this is such a difficult loss for your family. I hope that the peace I hear in this post will continue with you these next days and weeks. There are many of us praying for you and for your aunt's comfort. Love, Elizabeth
Oh, Sara, praying for peace and comfort for your aunt. I loved seeing her cookie cutter; it just reminded me of a legacy that she has given you. I'll be praying for your whole family. Much love and hugs!!!
Peace to you and your family this week Sara. It was about a year ago when we moved my Grandmother to hospice after she'd been in the hospital a while. She said she was ready to go be with Grandpa and had a peace about her. It's hard to say good-bye, but as you know she's going home and that's so wonderful for her. Blessings.
I will keep your family in my prayers. It is wonderful that your aunt is glorifying God by choosing to go home to him. What a strong testimony. Take care and find peace in the days ahead...
Sara, I am so sorry - I know how much you love her. I will be praying for you, for this whole situation, as you go to be with her this week.
I've been gone all weekend and just got home a bit ago. Saw your update. I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now. I can't imagine...But I'm glad to know exactly how I can pray for you
I am praying for you and your family!
Praying for you today, throughout the day and this week. I thank God that His presence hovers over you, and that you will feel His love and be comforted in the middle of the storm. We love you and will continue to lift you and your family in our prayers. Cheryl
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