Tuesday, January 20, 2009

swimming in my thoughts....

My mind is swimming today and my heart is heavy.  Interestingly, I am studying the life of Christ in my bible study.  As I read over the words this morning of the angel proclaiming Christ's birth, of Mary's joy at receiving such a great blessing, at Zechariah's proclamation of his son's name and purpose.....my heart aches at the fact that Jesus will not be proclaimed today in the news coverage.  

I have so many thoughts and words in my mind, but they don't seem to be flowing out.  However, 2 blogs have put into words many of my thoughts.  So, today I am going to send you to their blogs.  

Please take time, if you haven't already, to read Linda's and Esthermay's blogs.

Today I am praying for our new leader and our country.



Rach@In His Hands said...

Praying with you...

Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

My heart and mind are swimming too. Great description.
I made the decision weeks ago to completely tune out any news media today. No FoxNews. (Can you beleive it!!???) :-)
My emotions still swim in the silece of my house today, BUT. . . I am secure in God - He is still on the throne! He wrote the script and He gave us the screenplay to study!!!! Take comfort in God's Word.

. . . thank you for the link, my friend!

Ohilda said...


I can't even describe the sadness that I feel today. I will go read the links and of course, be praying along with you.



2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh, you are sweet to link up. Many of us are feeling non-celebratory and pensive. And I think that's OK.

SmilingSally said...

We all should pray for our leaders. The Bible says to.

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

I am praying for him too. I posted a patriotic piece today and encouraged everyone to pray for our President, no matter who you voted for.

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I am always praying for our country!