Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Oh my word, Jared and I were sitting here reading a few moments ago and we heard a strange noise and then.......POWER! I never considered I would get so excited about electricity (that little song from the electric company just popped into my head! weird!). Jared and I have been doing the dance of JOY around the house setting all the clocks....

....now first things first....run the dishwasher!!!



shell said...

I am glad your power is on!!! But I loved the pictures of your boys playing legos. I was telling Keith how sweet it was!

Anonymous said...

You didn't turn on the air first? :) That was our first stop when we heard that electric hum of relief. :)

Christine said...


Tori said...

Yahoo, but I am disappointed there is no video of the "happy power dance"! :)