Tuesday, February 13, 2007

whew!...been a while!

Well, it has been a while since i could get time to post here. My mom came for a visit to see where we are and help me get me house together...she is awesome!!! I drug her all over Little Rock to find things for the house, explore, return items.....what a trooper!!! She is probably glad to be home so she can rest!

The day she left, i left for Georgia and my annual girls weekend. I have been trying to upload a picture for you, we will see if it will work before i post this. Anyway, ALL NINE of us were there. Two of my friends weren't supposed to be able to come and then surprised us. It was the first time in SEVEN years we have all been there at once....it was wonderful!!!

Here is a picture of our group:

We spent our time eating.......oh the amount of food......it was amazing!!!!

Watching movies till wee hours in the morning. April brought what? 37 movies? Can you say all nighter!

And of course there are those that don't ever seem to grow up and we all have to endure their antics!!!!!! I love these ladies!!!

Anyway, I had a very relaxing weekend and a fantastic time with my friends! My family did great while I was gone. Alyssa made dinner every night and basically took over my job. I got a hilarious txt from her one night:
I am so tired. I worked 6 hours at the Young Life office, did 3 loads of laundry, have cooked dinner every night and cleaned up almost everything myself, cleaned the house and taken and picked up the boys every day from school!!! I don't know how you do it!
Yes, we all laughed hysterically......God is good!!! But she did a wonderful job..everyone agreed! I am very proud of her...now if she could just get a job......that is an on-going story for another time.....

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