Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Once again my devotion this morning spoke directly to me.  

It always amazes me how God uses these pre-written words to speak directly to my heart.  Lately, I have been carrying someone else's burden.  My first reaction has been to find a way to fix it.  I purposed this morning to spend time with God specifically about this issue.....

....and here was my devotion:

Problems are part of life.  They are inescapable: woven into the very fabric of this fallen world.  You tend to go into problem solving mode all too readily, acting as if you have the capacity to fix everything.  This is a habitual response, so automatic that it bypasses your conscious thinking.  Not only does this habit frustrate you, it also distances you from me.

Do not let fixing things be your top priority.  You are ever so limited in your capacity to correct all that is wrong in the world around you.  Don't weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own.  Instead, make your relationship with Me your primary concern.  Talk with Me about whatever is on your mind, seeking My perspective on the situation.  Rather than trying to fix everything that comes to your attention, ask Me to show you what is truly important.  Remember that you are in route to heaven, and let your problems fade in the Light of eternity.

He knows me so well.


LuAnn said...

THANK YOU !!!!!! I really needed that this morning.

Penny said...

Oh my goodness, so true. And thank you for sharing. I'm so tired of one certain problem, but I know I cannot fix it. And I am trying to focus on the Lord and give it all to Him, because there is absolutely nothing else I can do at this point.

StephieAnne said...

This is excellent! Thank you so much for sharing, Sara!

Cathy said...

God is so good to give us what we need to hear, when we need to hear it. Excellent words and a reminder I need to hear too.

Anonymous said...

You've been reading my "Dear Diary"....thank you ever so much for this I fall guilty among those that are "fixers"...there is but one "fixer" and it "ain't me"! Thank you thank you for the precious reminder!

Anonymous said...

You've been reading my "Dear Diary"....thank you ever so much for this I fall guilty among those that are "fixers"...there is but one "fixer" and it "ain't me"! Thank you thank you for the precious reminder!