Saturday, October 29, 2011

Project 365 - Week 44

 Week 44.

Another busy week it seems.  But with lots of fun things going on!

And another week of lasts.   Jared had his last band competition for High School and we went on our last college visit.  I really don't like all these lasts!!!

My middle son turned 20 this week......unbelievable!

Seems it was pretty eventful!  Here it is:


So very excited!!!
I have been wanting a Cricut for a while now but they are very expensive.  I had finally decided to spend some early birthday $$ on the smallest one today, but Michaels was sold out by the time I got there.  So Alyssa and I decided to try Wowmart and to my surprise this very expensive one was marked at a price over 50% off, way lower than everywhere else!!  And there was only one left...I grabbed it.  However, at the check out we found out it was mismarked, but guess what? They had to give it to me for that price!!!  They were not too happy, but I did the happy dance all the way to the car!!!!


Working on a Pinterest project with my new Cricut!!
Happy 20th Birthday to my boy! 
 Started my day at 5:30 am at Zumba and got pretty sweaty and stinky!!
Got home and lotst track of time and all of sudden realized I had to be at the dentist....with no shower!
That poor hygienist!!

Jared's band had a competition tonight!
They received all Excellents!!!

My finished Pinterest project.
It didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, the background should be darker but the paint caused the contact paper to curl up, so I only got to spray it once.  It still is pretty cool on my red wall!!!


Took Jared for a college visit today in northwest AR.
It was a great day but anyone who thinks that marching band is easy should have been there to watch these kids marching in 50 degrees in the rain!!!  Jared and I were in the car!!!


 Having fun playing around with the Cricut!!
so cool that it cuts vinyl for the walls!!

Alyssa and I had early hair appointments in Conway this morning.  Alyssa took this shot as we cross over the Arkansas River.  It's a bit blurry but it was a gorgeous site with the steam coming up off the water!

So how was your week?  did you capture it in pictures?


riTa Koch said... 20 year old granddaughter got engaged this week!
When I like something and it is the last one, I take that as a sign :)
Zumba and no shower...Whew!
Have a wonderful week!

The Bug said...

Love that sun shot - gorgeous! And I really like your new wall art. (Must not desire cricut...) LOL

LuAnn said...

Great pics this week!

Love that machine :) What a deal you got :)

Anxious to here where Jared decides. Our college visit went great yesterday. Was there for 3 1/2 hours. Very impressive.

Kim said...

So many "lasts" -- . But such great "lasts", don't you think?!

Total score on the Cricut!

Lovely sunrise photo, but at first I thought you'd had snow too :)

Lisa said...

Wow...look at you got on the Cricut. I really don't know much about them, but I see from your pictures is does some really cool things! LOVE your stable sign!

That last picture that Alyssa took looks just like a frozen over lake covered with snow. Its beautiful! And you are so lucky its NOT snow!! :)


Love the pinterest project...I am hooked on pinterest. I also loved your new Cricut. I have one....a mid one...not the smallest...but not your cool one. Loved the band pictures. You had an awesome week....can't wait to see more projects next week.

Mocha with Linda said...

Wow - awesome pictures! Can you come decorate my house?! But no food? What's the deal?! :-)

The Sneaky Mommy said...

Your "lasts" make me feel so sentimental!
Guess what! The picture of your project made the "most popular" page on my Pinterest app!!! I do love it! You did a great job!

Mimi said...

I don't have your same type of "lasts" but my boys getting older & needing me less has really affected me. What do I do when I'm not being a mom, lol? That's what I have to figure out, I guess.

I've missed you & it's good to be back.

I'm doing the happy dance for you on the Cricut!

Hugs & love,

StephieAnne said...

Looks like a great week, indeed! I love that you got the Cri-Cut at such an amazing price - you deserve it - and beautiful project!

Hope this next week is full lots of fun for you too!

Lori said...

neat projects this week

Rebekah said...

I really like the sign that you made. It makes me want to start on Christmas projects!

And I love the sunrise shot. I absolutely love sunrises and sunsets!

semperfi said...

love your pics this week. I redid my blog with a link to the tomato soup. Have a great week

Robin Lambright said...

I was wondering what a circuit was....

COOL and love getting a good deal!

You're so good with your zumba!


Amy said...

that's the view from your dentists office?!? wow!
love your pinterest project--I think it looks great!

Rebecca Jo said...

Looks like you're putting your new toy to work already :)

I LOVE the Christmas sign... ADORABLE!!!

Sue said...

I love how your pinterest project turned out. I think it looks simply lovely. Great fall photos too.

Jamie said...

Love how your project turned out! I might have to give that a try...or actually ask my daughter to do it for me. I'm not the creative one around here :)

Oh and all the lasts, they are sure bittersweet aren't they?

H-Mama said...

you make me want to dust off my cricket (don't you just love saving $?!). i haven't tried vinyl yet, but need to. yes, it's a need. ;)

Patrice and Higgins said...

Can I say I am having a little cricut envy?

Band can be very hard...for all those that used to call us band geeks, it was sometimes way harder than it looked! Your picture proves it!

The Davidson Den said...

Oooooooooooh! Congrats on the Cricut AND the great price!! That's awesome.

I think your projects all look spectacular!!!

Wow. 50 degrees and some of them in shorts. (Sounds like my husband.)

He & Me + 3 said...

great job with your cricut. You are going wild. I love mine too. It has been a life saver and so much fun. Happy late birthday to your birthday boy. Love the project you made with your cricut too. The saying is so TRUE!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Oooooooooo, Sara! That Cricut is SO cool! Love it that it did the vinyl for your wall! your thankful tree...we have gotten SO MUCH pleasure and good conversation from it.

Foursons said...

I have always wanted a Cricut! How fun that you got one and yay for 50% off on the BIG one!!!

I love your first Pinterest project too. There are such great ideas on there.

(Yes,you may pin my tablecloth. Thanks for asking!)

Foursons said...

I was in a rush to get off to work this morning and forgot to say, "Happy 20th Birthday" to your son! I hope he had a great day.

Karin said...

So cool that God provided the Cricut for you that way! :) I had no idea they could cut vinyl. Cool pinterest project, too. :)

debi10kids said...

congrats to your son! That is a high honor for his band.