Saturday, January 29, 2011

Project 365 - Week 5

 Week 5.

Well, guess what?!  I finished my blurb book for 2010.  And ya'll, it looks GREAT!!  I am so pleased with it...especially since it was such a PAIN to put together.  The new blurb runs very ssssllllloooowww.  But the end result is worth it.

I did learn something.......I missed 14 pictures last year.  I was really surprised at that.  But you know doesn't diminish the book at all.  So, an encouragement to you if you miss a day or 2 or 14....not a big deal!! and I'm talking to myself too since I missed my first picture this week.

Here's my week:
So it starts with no picture on Sunday....ugh!

Sunday's are always busy for me and since I was able to go to the church service rather than be back with the kids, I didn't have my camera out.

Oh well.


I decided to fry up some chicken fingers for dinner.
Have I told you that I absolutely love my deep fryer than I got from!!

are these not the cutest babies ever?!
These are our worship pastor's twins.  
The pastor's wives get together on Tuesday's to visit and pray for each other and the bonus was lovin' on these sweet things!

I won this on Mimi's blog and it came today.
I love it!!
 Jared is not home for dinner tonight so I made big salads for me and Steve!!!
Can you see that my Christmas dishes are still not put away?


What a gorgeous day!!!!
I am ready for SPRING!!
Unfortunately this is probably a tease!

 Jared's winter formal tonight!

So how was your week?  Link up and share your photos!


The Bug said...

Your food always looks so good!

I've finally started THINKING about my book. It's just kind of overwhelming to try to contemplate which pictures I want & then to edit them & then to arrange them. But I think it will be a great thing once I'm finished.

The Cyber Hermit said...

Awwwww...Jared and his date look so cute :).

Amy said...

my blurb book was super short since i was a little lazy with my blog last year, but it came in the mail friday! i was so excited to get it. its pretty thin and pitiful, though. :-/

that salad looks delicious!!!
and jared is so handsome in his tux! :-)

Tiffany said...

Looks like you had an awesome week, with more yummy food. I love the pitcher...very nice! Jared looks great, too! We are having some awesome weather here, but I bet it doesn't hang around long...70 and sunny today:)

Darla said...

tell Jared that he looked great for the formal! :) and...i was going to share with you an idea, that on the days that you don't have a picture, take one of a room in your home or something that doesnt change in a matter of days but may change after a few months or years. i have found that alot of my rooms seem to change over time and always enjoy looking back and seeing how different they look. it's just an idea. that way you won't have any blank pages in your book. i have started on my blurb book but i quit out of frustration. i'm about halfway done.

BARBIE said...

Oh that friend chicken looks so good! And I love that pitcher! Okay girl, no pictures this week. Don't give up on me. I am trying to slow down and capture my life!

Lori said...

food is always a fun thing to post, but makes the readers hungry!

Tori said...

I will be there for chicken and/or salad soon! :)
I really want to do a blurp book. Are they expensive? Between that and the time might be a while.
Jared looks way too handsome and grown up. What is happening?!!
Have a great week!!

Ladynred said...

All the food looks good and yummy!
What a great week you had..


The chicken looked yummmy. I love the pitcher. What precious little babies...and the winter formal pictures are great...I love those...we had one at our school last year...I miss those days. Thanks for doing this and letting me be part. I am loving it!

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

That salad looks healthy and delicious. We have the same post about CSN Stores product, mine was Monday yours was tuesday. I also bought my deep fryer though at CSN Stores.

The babies are so adorable. Looks like you guys had great week. Mine is up now.

RaD said...

Mmmm... The chicken looks yummy! And yes, those babies are cute. Your son and his date are adorable together. Hope they had fun!

Robin Lambright said...

Very cute couple...even cuter babies, you week was full of cuteness, good food and prizes...I'd call that a great week!


SusanD said...

I love the pitcher too. It's gorgeous. Fun photos for the week. Did you get that Food Saver yet? Thanks so much for hosting. Have a fabulous week. Blessings, SusanD

Lisa said...

Oh that salad looks good! Congrats on your blog book. I have temporairly given up on mine because its so labor-intensive. I have one ordered through Blog2Print. I'll let you know how it is...

What a neat idea that you pastor's wives get together. The "twins" are so cute...such a fun age.

How nice to see the ground...if only through someone else's pictures. :)

That One Girl said...

What a handsome young man you have there!! I don't even want to THINK about mine being old enough to go to "winter formal"! They're still babies!! That's right... I have a 12 year old baby... LOL

McCrakensx4 said...

Those salads looks amazingly yummy! And Jared and his date make a stunning couple (beautiful dress) And those babies are so very cute but don't look so much like twins! lol Hope you have great week!

He & Me + 3 said...

OMgosh that salad is so yummy looking. I swear you have the best food...always. Great win from Mimi. I love the color. Winter formal? How fun.

debi9kids said...

I am SO ready for spring too (as the snow continues to fall here for the 4th day in a row. UGH!)

Your chicken and salad is making me hungry :)

I LOVE making Blurb books as well. Sadly, I missed about 32 days in 2010. (we had some MAJOR things going on during that time and I just couldn't bring myself to pick up my camera...)

Kim said...

Love Fiestaware! And what a great color!

Jared looks so handsome :)

Food photos -- YUM!!!

Wonderful photos as always.

Mimi said...

Jared looks so cute and the food on your blog looks amazing!

Hugs & love,

riTa Koch said...

Just curious, how many photos in your book are FOOD!?
Congrats on finishing your 2010 book!
I haven't started mine yet, actually 2009 either. I have several books in mind but none started. You are an inspiration with as busy as you are.

beckyjomama said...

The food always looks SO good on your blog. YUM!

And, that was one beautiful couple! They looked great!

Heidi said...

I'm not organized enough to participate in this meme, though I once tried. But I wanted to give you a shout out "hello!" and tell you I enjoy reading this top 100 blog! I love to come over here and hear "y'all" We don't say that up here you know.

*Big smile*

Amy said...

Oh my goodness those babies are so precious and I love the way he has his arm around her...awww.

That salad looks amazing I just bought some tri tip so I might just steal your idea on a Rich and Amy only night.

That pitcher is beautiful I love the color, and what handsome couple. Love the yellow accent.

Have a great week!!

Rebecca Jo said...

That's funny, I mentioned "Blurb" in my link today as well!!! I didnt have much problems with it being slow... but it still did take a lot of work - but worth it in the end. I got my book & LOVE it!!! I wouldnt have even known about it if it wasnt for your blog! so THANKS!!!

Skoots1moM said...

loved your pics...
yummy chicken....
super-cute pitcher...
oh, and the babies are too cute!
that salad is right up my alley, too.
my laptop is back up and running so hope to be back in 365 next week

achildoftheking said...

Mine can be seen here. Your's is great Sara. =-)

Lori said...

AWW... Jared looks so grown-up and happy. His date is a real cutie! Have a great week. I am so jealous that you are done with your book :) I have to do the final proofing but that seems to take so long!

Rachel said...

How fun is that? To have a book of all those great memories!

And those babies are just adorable!

H-Mama said...

those babies are such cutie-patooties! precious.

such a fancy lookin' salad!

i put blurb aside out of frustration... maybe i should try it again now that i know that it's just blurb... and not me. ;)

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

Sounds (and looks) like it was a great week!!! Happy Monday to you!!!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

YOU know how to make a fantastic salad! What a great week...Jared and his gal look wonderful.

Sue said...

The babies are adorable!!!

Your son and his date look very lovely. Hope they had a nice time at the formal.

And what's with the ground... I can see ground in that spring like photo oh my... I'm so depressed with jealousy right now.