Week 8.
**update** Oh my word, I think I actually passed the food challenge without even realizing it!!! thanks for pointing that out Esthermay!**
We are almost at the end of February.....it seems like it should still be January!
I am still in Abilene with my daughter and having the best time ever! Have I told you guys how much I love this girl.......oh ya, I have.....many times. But it's true and I feel so blessed to be her mom and even more blessed that we have the relationship we do! I'll be heading home on Monday :( and will feel ya'll in on our weekend.
But until then, here is my week:
Spent the day touring JBU.
Jason's audition for Worship Ministry major went well and we both were very impressed with the school! We shall see!
Each month, a group of parents comes up with a treat to put in our senior's lockers at school. February was my month, with 4 other moms. We made these cute bags full of goodies and stuffed 107 lockers today!!!!
It's Wednesday night....that means the youth at our house.
Steve and I were relegated to our bedroom, so we sat and watched the Amazing Race episode we missed on Sunday!
One of my best friends, April, and her daughter, Amber, drove up from San Angelo to spend the day with us. April and I have know each other for 20 years. We had so much fun!
One of the things we did was attend Sing Song at ACU. This is a tradition that has gone on for 54 years at the school and it was AMAZING!! These kids put so much work into the show!
So what was your week like?
Looks like you are having a great time. I can see the joy in your face! I have been in bed all day with my first ever migraine! I had planned to make a quick trip to Abilene had this not happened today:( my daughter was there for solo and ensemble. Say a prayer for me, this is terrible!!!
Sounds like a fun and busy week! Sing Song looks cool - and I imagine it sounded great too!
What a wonderful mother/daughter time! You both look so happy!
JBU, that's where Mike went.
107 goody-baggies, that's a lot of lot of sweet encouragement.
I am so glad that you got to see Alyssa. You should come see me since you are SO close. :)
The treat bags look good. I think I see a Chick-Fil-A coupon in there. Yum!
Tommy likes Amazing Race and would probably watch it if we had cable as would I.
I actually have my pictures ready and up and was #4 on Mr Linky. Hooray! I am proud of myself. lol
I think that fiery furnace is “great” too. Your church is very blessed to have such a wonderful team that does such cool stuff to minister to the children :)
JBU: where’s the snow!!? I’m not too familiar with John Brown, but if they offer a major in Worship Ministry – IncrediBLE!!
Treat in the locker – awesome idea. (But if my GirlScout Cookie shot-o-the-day counts as "food," so does this. Wrapped or unwrapped: food is Food.)
Wed: They actually make you leave their presence?? oH mY!
Mother Daughter Photos are priceless! This one is very nice. She looks so happy. You look tired. :(
April, daughter, you & Alyssa – Very special. You look great! I see your JOY!!! (We have that sofa in my husband’s study) haha!
SingSong looks like an awesome production. But pumpkins in February??...
...not sure... did we pass the no food challenge; or not?
I bet that Sing Song was amazing!
What a fun thing to stuff the lockers! Is that Chick-Filet? YUMMMM
that reminds me, I need to watch the Amazing Race still!
And except for that goodie bag (which is an AWESOME idea!!!), you have not one single pic of food! Love that you are spending time with your girl - how fun!
Your mother-daughter visit reminds me of visits with my mom - good times. Glad you're getting the chance to have that time with her.
That is a great picture of you and your daughter. I am so happy you are enjoying yourself. I love the Amazing Race, but haven't watched this year yet...maybe it is because I go to bed so early and prime time TV starts so late here in CA. I really need to figure out my DVR...yeah that will happen...ha ha.
Great week enjoyed your pictures as always!!
I love the firey furnace picture - that is so cool, I can see why the kids loved it.
Your pictures with Alyssa - you can tell you are having a blast.
Can't wait to hear about your weekend.
Safe travels home!!
Awwww... Sara, I just love the pix of you and your baby girl. Sweet memories.
What a FANTABULOUS week! :-) What a neat tradition that the parents do for the seniors. Fun times with the daughter. Woot! :-)
running out now, but I'll be back later to catch up on your week! Thanks so much for this project!!
Looks like you had a great week!
We're in sync, I tell ya! Went to visit my daughter in college this weekend too!
And...no food pictures. I didn't realize it either until I read YOUR post. I went back to mine to doublecheck. I'm so proud of us!
Miss my girl too...badly. It's amazing to watch them become women, isn't it! I'm so proud.
What a great week and how could it not be since you got to spend some one on one time with Jason and Alyssa!
Have a safe trip home!
Wow ! What a busy week Sara! It's so nice to see God a part of your life in every event, every day. God bless
Fun week! I have alot of years until I will be visiting campuses, but am already dreading it! And you have been working long and hard on your play! Love the fire!!
What fun! WHAT FUN!
I love it that you do the Senior locker gift...what an excellent idea!
That fiery furnace is too cool!
Good to see you with your beloved daughter. How sweet to go see her in her element. A part of me actually does miss some things about college life. Sounds like your daughter's in a neat place. Be careful on your way back home!! (Sound like a mother, don't I?)
Eggs. http://www.cafm.locallygrown.net/
a mom and her daughter is a relationship like none other...how sweet you've had this time with her. your kids ministry photos always makes me smile. looks like it rocks! ☺
So glad you are having so much fun with your daughter! Stay safe going home and hope you have a great week ahead.
So glad you were able to be with your sweet girl! Love the photo of the two of you. Oh...that fiery furnace was oh-so-cool!
You have been so busy this week. Love the fiery furnace picture very cool. I'll bet spending time with your daughter has been so fun and such a treat for both of you. Have a safe trip home.
What a neat idea to fill the lockers too. Those goodie bags look great.
Awesome pictures! Im so happy you got to spend time with your daughter!
awesome week! so glad you were able to spend time with your daughter. and that is a neat idea about stuffing the lockers once a month!
Oh, so glad you are getting time with Alyssa!! Looks like you are both doing exactly what you want to be doing.
The locker gifts are a neat idea.
I am so happy that your daughter and you are close! I'd expect little else, but it's so common to find mothers and daughters at odds with one another. I just got back from seeing mine, and even at 49/74 (our ages) I am more attached to her than ever. Aren't we blessed, as mothers and daughters? (However, I only have a son.;)
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