Oh.my.word!!! I can not believe it is the last week of the year.
Ya'll when I started this project last January 1st, I wasn't even sure I could complete it. I don't think I have ever kept up with something for this long. Thank you to all of you who participated! Not only did I get to know each of you better, but you held me accountable to keep this going......and I am so very glad I did!
As promised, for those of you who have participated in Project 365 for a majority of the time and who link up for this post, you will be put in a drawing for a $20 gift card to Blurb. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to get all my pictures into a book!!!
I had sooooo many great pictures to choose from this week. It was very hard to narrow each day down to one or two......or three!
Here's my week:
Baking with my kids today....
Baking with my kids today....
I got to have breakfast with Elizabeth from Finding Him Bigger today!
She is home for Christmas and we had a great time!!
It really is so fun to get to know blogging friends in person.
Our traditional appetizer dinner after church.
We are by candle light because we do not have power.
But you know what...it was actually really great!!!
We are by candle light because we do not have power.
But you know what...it was actually really great!!!
This is my favorite picture of the day!
My mom gave each of my kids something of hers this year and Alyssa received a coveted antique ice cream mold. Can you tell she was just a bit excited?
But what is so wonderful to me is that the kids were so thrilled to receive something that was special and important to their grandmother.
I can NOT believe I am still baking....
....I truly am sugared out!
But these are for children's church tomorrow.
I should have gotten a picture of my crazy trip to the mall with my kids, but I forgot!
I will be posting on our Christmas tradition on Monday. I can't wait to tell you all about where my kids gave their money!!! It was the highlight of our Christmas morning!
so glad you had a great christmas and sweet time with your beautiful family!!
thank you sooo much for histing us this year. its been truly excellent!
I love the frankincense! I did the three gifts one year for my SS class too when I was teaching. What grade do you teach? I love all your projects!
My daughter got gray hairs early too.
How fun to meet one of your bloggy friends in person!
I thought the candle light was on purpose. It really looks so appropriate for the occasion.
Thanks for doing this all year Sara! I'm so looking forward to 2010 too!
Bravo, brilliant phrase and is duly
That's such a great photo of your daughter on Christmas! What a wonderful idea for grandma to share her special things. And her first gray hair photo cracked me up -- glad she's smiling!
All your photos are wonderful. Definitely a great week for your family :-)
Especially enjoyed looking at all you accomplished in the kitchen. We didn't bake any cookies this week (just too hot). Finally did assemble all the ingredients for my pecan pie -- only to realize there's no rolling pin out here. hahaha And no way to buy ready-made pie dough here. So that's what we'll be making for dessert on New Year's instead.
Love 'em.
This was such a great idea and you've had lots of participation. Wish I could have kept up.
Many kuddos to you, my friend. This is a project your entire family will always treasure.
I love the grandmother gift. You're right... that pic is the best. ;)
Sara -
Just wanter to let you know I will get my pictures up for the week later this evening. Have been at my parents since Friday. Coming home tonight.
Can't wait to see everyone's Christmas pictures!!!
Love those pictures! Can't believe it's been a whole year!
i cannot believe i stuck to this for a year either! it does show me that i can do anything i make a commitment to but i do need accountability! i'm still undecided about doing this again...leaning towards doing it since it has become a way of life for me.
What great pictures of your week. Its so good to see your daughter in the mix, too. Your family pjs are so cute! I also like your mom's idea to hand down something...while she is still here.
Neat candlelight dinner!
Oh, I can't wait to read your next post!!!
I love that pic of your daughter so excited about a special gift from her grandma. What a treasure...both the gift and your girl!
Grandma's gift--what a great idea, one I need to be thinking about.
You are so great with visuals for SS!
I still don't know exactly what frankincense is or myrrh...
Christmas baking is something I never get around to, and yet our house in some way or another end up with generous amounts of sweets.
I loved your Christmas day family photo!
Thank you, Sara, for this year!!!
Cool pics! I am dying to hear the Christmas tradition stories (and I will be gone almost all day tomorrow...drat.)
I am so sad. I have been with this project since the beginning and my camera wasn't working, so I had to use a disposable camera for Christmas, which means I can't upload this past weeks pics. All I have are a few blurry ones from my phone. Wouldn't you know it...51 weeks down and all I had was the last week! ARGH! LOL Oh well, I have still greatly enjoyed the project. Thanks for hosting it Sara.
Sorry I’m late to the posting party here -- Hopefully some of this weeks’ photos on my own Project 365 will offer up my reasons for being tardy.
I can’t believe we’ve made it to week 52 either! Thank you for holding us accountable!
I’m planning on putting an album together too – NOTHING digital. Something completely and utterly old-fashion that will sit on a shelf or a coffee table.
Sun: Nothing against Frankincense, but the whole idea of incense seems so worldly to me. I guess it goes back to my first college roommate who burnt it constantly next to her Buddah statue. (Yes... It was a Christian College – and Yes! I had a new roommate by 2nd semester) Ha! But this is cool! i.e. your photo and the whole idea of sharing it in S.S. ... Always wondered why the Frankincense from the Wise Men... till my husband preached a sermon a few years ago about the bathing rituals of the First Century – not exactly a pleasant aroma around most people I guess! Understanding it in this context, I guess I could tolerate it. But I prefer something from Bath&BodyWorks to be sure! Pfff..!
Mon: Couldn’t agree more! Nothing better than #1 being in a kitchen. #2 – Add family (particularly CHILDREN!) Heaven on earth! They look delish’ Snickerdoodles? … and cream puffs???? Mmm mmmm good.
Tues: Sympathies extended. Welcome to womanhood, Alyssa!
Wed: How fun – déjà’ vu here...
did you guys meet last year? I say, “There will be a very special reunion in Heaven for all the blogging sisters!” Amen?
Thurs: Did the candlelight contribute to the “best Christmas ever?” It would in my book. Anything to take you back a few years (or decades!) to a simpler time makes Christmas more precious. The color in this photo is amazing. The colors in you house lend themselves very much to a feeling of warmth – so I’m sure being without artificial light made everything seem all the more cozy.
Fri: That IS a good one! The not-brand-new, already-used, special to someone-you-love-gifts are ALWAYS most cherished. That mold will be an heirloom for years to come.
Sat: I’m still baking too :-)
... I'm going back in a bit here this afternoon to read your Christmas-Wrap-Up post after I drive into town to bandage my Mom’s face. I always leave your blog with that warm cozy feeling that I’m sure I’d also get if I visited your home!!
Week 52! Unbelievable. If I had kept on blogging, I would've kept up with you, but it just fell by the wayside once I started my design business. Makes me kinda sad.
And you got to see Elizabeth again - awesome!
I can't believe that I am just now seeing your pictures! What an awesome week, and year, you had. This project has been incredible and I am so proud of you for sticking with it and making it so fun for everyone who participated. I loved seeing you in LR and catching up a little in person. Hope we can do it again!
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