Week 45.....truly amazing!!! I don't think I have stuck with anything for this long in.my.life!
We had a great week. It helped that we had sunshine and beautiful weather the whole week! It was perfect! Enjoy!
This is one of the crafts our older kids did for this unit.
These are praying hands.
you clip the names of those you are praying for in the hands!
I spent the morning looking at my birthday present!
I was so excited to get this cookbook!!
AND she's coming Monday to LR for a signing!!
If you have never visited the Pioneer Woman's blog..
....you need to!
I spent almost $100 to order a saliva test so that they can figure out what in the world my hormones are doing with menopause....
....I sort of expected more than this.
I hope it works!
The sun has been shining for SIX days now!!
That means that my boys will be able to march at the game tomorrow night!
What a GREAT night
Senior night
We got to go out on the field with Jason while they introduced him....so special!
ESPN was at our game tonight to televise it.
our running back, 6th in the nation, had just signed with Auburn and the coaches were there, there was so much excitement in the air!!
And we WON!!!!!!
Not only did we beat our rivals (who we have never beaten) but that puts us in the playoffs!!
And that means......
My boys will march again!!!!!
priorities ya'll!
I had so much fun ooooing and ahhhing over the cute outfits!!
Catfish -- YUM! PW's cookbook is on my wishlist too :-) I love looking at the recipes on her blog. Her simple sesame noodles is my current favorite :-) I make it once a week.
Do you really want to know what your hormones are doing? I find mine are a good excuse for whatever ails me :0 Seriously though, it would be nice to have some concrete answers to all the weird stuff going on that I think are related to the whole change-of-life thing. Hope you get some resolution!
Woo-hoo to the winning team! Your boys look quite spiffy in their uniforms :-) How nice they get to march together again in the playoffs.
Have a great week!
i love the picture of the sunlight coming through your front window; very pretty.
i'll have to tell my husband ESPN was at your football game; he will think that is so cool--which it is!
have a great week!!
I had the saliva test done as well (4 tubes of spit...yuck!) You will be AMAZED at all you will learn through that test. Seriously!
Congrats on making it into the playoffs! Our season is over, so my son is done marching. I love your band uniforms. Very nice! And I understand getting teary at the though of something being over. That's a tough one.
You have such a talented and musical family! I love it!
I'm loving the sunshine over here too so I can totally relate. Uh oh, looks like rain today. Rats!
Hope you enjoyed your birthday!
I got the same cookbook for my birthday - I asked for it from my Mom. The funny thing is, my birthday was in October. So, when the book was finally shipped by Amazon last week, she had forgotten that it was a birthday present and put it away for Christmas :D. I had to call and ask if it had come yet, because the 3 copies that I ordered for Christmas presents were here. We had a good laugh over that one. Of course, she's almost 80, so I'll cut her some slack....this time. Hopefully I'll get mine today, or someone might get a slightly drooled one for Christmas from me. Oh wait - I can look at one of theirs, and then slip my "new" one in the Christmas stash when it gets here. Gotta run - gotta cookbook to dig out and look through. Happy belated birthday!
What a nice week, Sara. I've said it before and will say it again. You have such a blessed life.
Game night... I'll share my tissues with you too. ;)
GREAT shots!! And, I really want that cookbook!!!!!!
Handsome boys:)
What a special week you had, Sara. I'm happy you had sunshine for your birthday week!
I just love walking through your week like this. It kinda makes me feel like I got to hang out with you. Hope that's not creepy :)
What a fun week.
i also have never stuck with anything in my life this long either! i am amazed at myself for doing it actually. but it has taught me that maybe i can stick with something now. i have felt accountable to you all, maybe that is the key...but it has also been a joy. that band picture of your boys is a keeper forever, they both look so handsome, as always!
I like those praying hands, Sara.
I just discovered the Pioneer Woman’s Blog this week. Not enough time in the day for all the great blogs out there.
Menopause. . . no comment.
The sun may be shining, but even without it, your floors are WAY Too SHINy!!! :-)
I’ve said this before, but that is one awesome band for a private school!! Such clear bright shots of everyone too.
I have a theory about why you've stuck with this project. You LOVE people and you are a leader... and you are leading lots of special ladies with this one. You may be easily distracted (takes one to know one) but you can be counted on!! Hugs.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and for entering my blog makeover give-away! You do have a beautiful blog and thinking of others like that is so sweet of you! Best wishes to you!!
Great week! Sun ordered special for your BD week. I suppose you will be sharing from the PW's cookbook.
I've heard amazing things about the saliva test.
Grilled catfish, Uncle Herschel's at Cracker Barrell, my favorite breakfast.
Have another wonderful week!
I feel like the worst blog friend ever...I missed your birthday. Sorry for not sending any birthday wishes your way. I hope this will be a wonderful year. Happy belated birthday!
Looks like a great week...
Wow somehow I got out of the loop on the PW cookbook because I didn't realize it was out to buy... I will have to ask for it as a Christmas gift. I looked and found that she will be in Atlanta for a book signing so maybe I will be able to go. I look forward to it! Thanks for getting me back in the loop!
I could relate when you said that you get teary seeing your boys march. I do the same thing at my boy's soccer game. Our children touch a deep place in our hearts.
Many blessings!
I love the praying hands. Great craft!
That is a great picture of the boys together. I haven't really thought they look a whole lot like each other, but now when I see them side by side, they actually do look quite similar.
How's the cookbook??
Awwww....Leah's prego!! Awesome!! She used to be in my Bible study at Grace. I haven't kept up very well, obviously.
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