So, here is my week! Enjoy!
My boys played in the worship band this Sunday
Jason actually led worship at did a great job
Jason also sang a song he wrote about his mission trip to Brazil...
My "other" son (aka Jason's best friend) brought over his rock band system the other day. This has brought many laughs, fun and even astonishment that mom could keep up!!!!
This summer, we started a bible study in our neighborhood.
I have so enjoyed this and loved getting to know these ladies better!
I left today to go on a planning retreat for CM.
A friend of ours let us use their lake house so we could get away
and have uninterrupted time to work!
Tonight we are just enjoying ourselves and relaxing...
.....tomorrow we work!
Waking up to this was amazing!!!
After spending some time praying/worshiping together....
....we got to work!!
After worship/prayer time, we were back at work!
We were able to write ALL the curriculum and workshops
through the end of the year!
The kids are going to LOVE it!!!
I'm off to start another week!! Link up and share your week with us!

What beautiful pictures! Your pictures at the lake look like they could be in a travel brochure.
I've heard my daughters since a few times and I know from that how proud you must have been watching your sons.
sorry...that's supposed to be "Sing" not "Since". LOL
Oh my gosh, can you imagine having a place like that to go to any time you wanted? I don't think I'd ever leave!
Glad you were able to get all of the curriculum wrapped, up, bet it feels good to have it all done.
How proud you must be of your boys, they seem like incredible young men.
Your planning retreat looked amazing. What a perfect setting for thinking!
And I totally missed So You Think You Can Dance this time around. I love that show too. Although I have to say the lady judge drives John crazy with her laugh. That's probably the main reason I didn't watch it this time! :)
That lake is awesome!
Wow, what a spot! I'm so glad you were able to accomplish what you needed to, and that you feel so good about it.
Maybe you could post the words to Jason's song sometime? :)
Love lakeside places! There's just something so soothing about waking up to the sound of gently lapping waves. Although I'm not sure I would have gotten much work done :-) Good job Sara and crew!
We realy enjoyed SYTYCD and dancer granddaughter wants to see the tour stop in Indy 3 days after her birthday.
Just signed up for Junior Worship again this year and so grateful for the children's ministry team we have. Blessings in your wonderful ministry!
That place for your retreat is beautiful! You can definitely see God' hand all over there. So glad you were able to get so much accomplished and be in a beautiful place to do it!
I so totally do not understand “rock-band system.” What ever happened to real life? Why is everything digitized and computerized? Why? Why.
Good for you!! I’ve wanted to start a Bible Study in my neighborhood, but just never got a round Tuit. What a blessing!!!
OMIGOODNESS…. What a lovely lake house. I’m jealous of that wicker furniture. And the view. And the food. And the patio furniture. And those Roman shades. And the peace and quite that you captured so beautifully on camera! OH! I’m just covetous. I need a neighborhood Bible Study to confess this spirit! heheheh...
I pray your time there with your team was productive and refreshing and proves fruitful in your ministry.
God Bless!
Your planning place looked just awesome. Loved the picture of the chair, apples, coffee etc....
Have a great week dear!!!!
What a beautiful week you had! The lake house looks perfect and even the work looked like fun. nice.
Ok, I missed whether my comment "stuck"...oops
Great lake house and even the work looks like fun!
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