Welcome to Huey's in Memphis
And Tori was the first and only one to guess it!!
Huey's is also famous for.........
shooting toothpicks into the ceiling while you wait for your food!!
How fun is that?!!
I have to say that I was pretty good at it!!!!
the best part was watching people who didn't know of the tradition react...
we had one couple get up and move tables from us!!!
come on people.....loosen up and have some fun!
This would be what the floor looked like!
See, they don't always "stay" in the ceiling!!!
Which also means that you need to protect your drinks!!!
We had a lot of fun here..this is our kind of restaurant!!!
But I do believe it really is one of the best burgers I have ever eaten!!!
Of course, it could also be that I was famished after walking a bazillion miles that day in triple digit heat......just sayin'!!!
But I do believe it really is one of the best burgers I have ever eaten!!!
Of course, it could also be that I was famished after walking a bazillion miles that day in triple digit heat......just sayin'!!!

Yay! I was trying to think what you could shoot out besides spit wads. How fun!!
darn it! toothpicks!
I'd be arfraid to look up, it'll poke your eye out kid!
I was thinking the same thing... Don't look up! ;)
That's a strange past-time. I'm sure more than one mom has said something about poking an eye out.
The onion rings look delicious.
Toothpicks, huh? Hmmm....when I was growing up, we went to the GroundRound and you threw peanuts all over the place and whenever you walked.....CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH!!
lol Oh, the memories!
BTW....I sooo want that burger and onion rings!
i would be the unlucky one to look up and have a toothpick fall and hit me in the eye!! cannot believe the onion rings were as big as the burger...now that's a meal!
We have the steakhouses with the peanut shells all over the floor.
My girl is SOOOO jealous - you probably heard her all the way at her house when she saw the pictures!
And my husband would LOVE those onion rings!!
We've had just a "few" of those hot days ourselves....
Sounds fun. My kids would love it! You'd better get over the heat Sara, you're coming to AZ soon. On Sunday night, it was still 105 at 10:00pm in Phoenix.
That is so funny. Looks like it would be fun to do too.
Well, HOW COOL is that? I have NEVER heard of such a thing! FUN...and boy does that plate of food look DELECTABLE!
looks like something my family would like!!! what a fun memory. and those onion rings, oh my! they look amazing!
I will admit it. I would not want to sit under falling toothpicks, covered with germs.
I, too, remember The Ground Round and Peanuts. But never toothpicks! We had our YOUNG grandkids with us for a few days and took them to another fun place (for kids) - Chuckie Cheese!
Hey, I was pretty close with the spitball guess, 'eh? I mentioned you over on my blog under the Awards to Share entry.
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