Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Parenting Your Teenager Starts When They Are Young

I can’t recall his name, but his words have always stayed with me.

It was during a parenting class put on by our church. The last session, the speaker brought in a panel of teenagers. He made it clear that the teens had agreed to be open and honest with us about their feelings toward their parents as long as what was said stayed in the room.

Little did one boy know that his words would not only leave the room in my mind, but plant themselves in my heart and mold how I developed the relationships with my own children. read the rest of this post go to Jamie's at Purposeful Pursuit. She is doing a series on "All Things Family" and I am guest posting today!


Mocha with Linda said...

OH Sara, I loved your post! How true it is. I know we all wish we could go back and do a few things over, but I remember cringing when a neighbor kinda shrugged her shoulders at some behavior when her son was little - and now he's a teenager and guess what? He has some of those same issues and she has no control over him.

Anonymous said...

Sara, that was awesome and what a great reminder for those of us with toddlers. Now is the time to start developing traditions and nurturing the love relationships. Thank you thank you thank you!

Michelle said...

thank you! for such a sweet and honest post! you will never know how much it meant to me. I'm sure i will think of this post often in the future as i am trying to raise my girls.

Ohilda said...

You truly blessed me by your words.


Your still praying friend...


christy rose said...

This is most definitely awesome wisdom! I have teens and babies and recognizing how much of what i taught my teens when they were babies that has molded who they are today. Now I am taking on this adventure again!

Cathy said...

Great post Sara and oh so so true!!

Skoots1moM said...

you should write this as a children's book...teaching kid and would do well i think! and a very IMPORTANT lesson...i have a teen, too and on those days when I get "the hand", i'm thankful it's just for a moment and that we'll reconnect later, once the "moans" have subsided
good job!!!!!

Growin' With It said...

2 sweet bloggers that i love...i'm off to hers now and look forward to it!!!

Christine said...

Oh, Sara. This was a wonderful reminder. And so timely. I read it earlier today and found myself thinking of your words...I almost said no to a game of tag with the girls and their friend--but I'm happy to say that I decided to say YES, and it was a blast. God is so good and His timing is perfect. Thanks for your encouraging words.