Sunday, November 16, 2008

Holiday Giveaway

My friend, Linda, at Mocha with Linda is hosting a great holiday giveaway!!!  

If you like to read as much as I do, you are going to love this!  Linda is an avid reader and I have enjoyed her book reviews.  She has steered me toward some great books.   She starts the giveaway tomorrow and will continue it for four weeks!!!  

You will love her blog too!!  Someday, I know I will get to meet all my bloggy friends!



Mocha with Linda said...

You are too kind! I always am glad to see you "pop in" on my blog and wish it was indeed in real life!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I am always looking for the next book to start. Thanks, girl! :)

Sara@iSass said...

Ok, you MADE your own vanilla?!?!?
You are SO talented. I try to find someone going down to mexico to bring me the "good stuff" back. You just can't find it here. Or I am looking in the wrong places. ANYTIME you want to share that neat little secret?

Ohilda said...

I love books, too! Thanks for the heads up.


Rach@In His Hands said...

Hello! I found your wonderful blog through quite a few other ladies and wanted to say hi!
LOVE the pictures of all the incredible doors in would be wonderful to go there someday.