Sunday, October 28, 2007

The BEST surprise....EVER!!!

My Daughter!!

Thursday, as we celebrated Jason's birthday dinner, I was lamenting that this was the first birthday we were having with Alyssa gone.....and in she walks in the door! I couldn't believe it. She had worked it out with her dad and they surprised us. It wasn't until later that night that I realized he let her drive 7 1/2 hours by herself!! But she did great and we all enjoyed having her here. You know, I didn't realize how different it has been without her, until she was here and it felt so right. This is such a weird time in life....I am so proud of her and happy to see how independent she is and how she is really making the most of hard to know that she really is just a visitor now..... She told me before she left that she hadn't realized how good it would feel to be home....guess she feels the same way! And you know what?........... It's a good feeling!!!!

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